Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Leads To Seizure Of Almost 200 Ar-15s And Numerous Charges For Gun Trafficking

According to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, since the implementation of new federal gun control measures last summer, authorities have made numerous arrests of individuals suspected of engaging in gun trafficking and have confiscated thousands of illegal firearms, including nearly 200 AR-15–style rifles.

14 years ago, the Democrat introduced the legislation after the tragic death of Brooklyn high school student Nyasia Pryear-Yard, who was killed by a stray bullet from an illegal firearm. The bill, according to the Democrat, provides law enforcement with the necessary tools to apprehend and prosecute gun runners.

Gun trafficking was not considered a federal crime back then, according to the speaker. Law enforcement authorities had to rely on ineffective local laws to prosecute offenders. This situation created an opportunity for traffickers to operate openly in public spaces, such as parks and near schools, without facing any significant consequences.

During a press conference held outside NYPD headquarters, Senator Gillibrand announced the results of the legislation called the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which was signed into law by President Biden in June 2022. Gillibrand emphasized that this legislation has brought about significant changes.

According to the speaker, over 200 individuals in 20 states have been charged with gun trafficking and authorities have confiscated more than 1,300 firearms since the law was enacted. Among the seized weapons are 190 AR-15s, which are commonly used by mass shooters, as well as 151 ghost guns.

According to the senator, New York had a total of 120 illegal firearms. Additionally, out of the nine defendants involved in the case, eight of them were from New York City.

The law has implemented several measures to address gun control issues. It has strengthened background checks for young gun buyers and closed loopholes that allowed abusive partners to obtain firearms. Additionally, the law has allocated significant funding for mental health services and has encouraged states to enact red flag laws. These initiatives are aimed at promoting safety and preventing potential harm caused by firearms.

Biden praised the legislation, emphasizing its potential to “save lives.”

According to Gillibrand, New York received nearly $100 million out of the $750 million allocated in the bill for mental health services. mThe funds will cover the costs of hiring approximately 14,000 additional mental health professionals in schools across the country, with around 400 of them being allocated for New York, according to her.

Senator emphasized the negative impact of COVID-19 on children’s mental health, stating that it did not go well for them. According to him, the mental health of young individuals is fragile, and he believes that providing support in schools through increased mental health services will contribute to the safety of our communities.

During the press conference, Senator Gillibrand highlighted several cases where law enforcement officials apprehended traffickers who were directly responsible for supplying guns used in shootings within the New York City area. The conference was attended by four out of the five district attorneys representing the city.

In a notable case, law enforcement apprehended four individuals involved in a trafficking ring responsible for transporting firearms from Virginia to New York through the well-known “Iron Pipeline.” This route facilitates the flow of guns from states with less stringent regulations in the south to the northeast region.

According to Gillibrand, one of the guns, which was unknowingly sold by a suspect to an undercover NYPD officer in June 2022, was connected to a shooting that took place in Bedford-Stuyvesant a year prior.

She added that another instance of the gun being used was observed in a shooting in Canarsie in 2021.

According to the senator, the undercover cop managed to purchase a minimum of 50 firearms from the co-conspirators before their arrest in January. This makes them among the first individuals to be prosecuted under the new law.

In another incident in New York City, law enforcement officials confiscated 51 firearms from a group of alleged traffickers from Ohio. Additionally, a New Jersey operation targeted members of the Latin Kings street gang and resulted in the seizure of 28 ghost guns.


“At the press conference, Jason Savino, the NYPD assistant chief who oversees the gun violence suppression division, emphasized the alarming prevalence of illegal guns in our streets. He expressed concern over the potential danger these weapons pose to the residents of our beautiful city.”

“We are pleased to report that we are making significant strides,” he emphasized. “Although we firmly believe that even a single shooting is unacceptable, it is encouraging to note that the number of shooting incidents in New York City has decreased by over 300 compared to last year. Our commitment to eradicating gun violence remains unwavering.”

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg also praised the achievements of law enforcement.

According to Bragg, the numbers are showing positive progress, and there is a sense of optimism. However, he acknowledges that there is still more work to be done. In Manhattan, there has been a significant increase of 20% in gun prosecutions. The focus is on targeting individuals who are responsible for driving violence, and this effort is being carried out in collaboration with the NYPD.

In 2009, Gillibrand brought forth the bill after personally connecting with Pryear-Yard’s family. The young student, who had been attending a dance party with friends, tragically fell victim to a stray bullet.

“Nyasia had a promising future ahead of her, as she was on the verge of graduating and had secured a spot at U-Penn. Unfortunately, her life was tragically cut short due to the rampant gun violence in her community,” expressed Gillibrand.

“As a New Yorker, I have always been aware that removing illegal guns from our streets can save lives,” the senator stated. She emphasized her commitment to further enhancing red-flag laws, prohibiting assault rifles, and banning high-capacity magazines.

“We are committed to maintaining our focus on this particular issue in order to achieve even greater results,” she emphasized. “At the moment, I am actively collaborating with members from both sides of the aisle to secure additional resources for law enforcement, enabling them to effectively carry out investigations and prosecutions.”

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