Brandon Webster Receives Life Sentence for the Murder of His Ex-Girlfriend, Officer Tanisha Pughsley in Alabama

Brandon Webster has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Officer Tanisha Pughsley of the Montgomery Police Department. In 2020, a jury in Montgomery County found him guilty on two counts of first-degree murder; one for breaking a protection order and the other for killing during a break-in.

Webster was also found guilty of an assault attempt charge for shooting at another person during the attack at Pughsley’s residence. The deceased officer had taken out a restraining order against Webster due to the ongoing harassment, threats, and physical abuse she had been facing.

Officer Pughsley was originally from Chicago and had graduated in criminal justice from Alabama State University. She had been serving the Montgomery Police Department for four years before her untimely death. She was a highly respected figure in her community, renowned for her dedicated service to her job and the local children.

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