These Are The 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Ohio

Feeling safe in your neighborhood is a right, not a privilege. It allows you to relax, raise your family, and feel comfortable in your surroundings. Unfortunately, crime rates in some Ohio neighborhoods can make achieving that sense of security difficult.

This article acknowledges the complexities of defining “dangerous.” Crime statistics are undeniably significant, but poverty, lack of opportunity, and social issues also play a role. Here, we’ll explore a combination of crime data, poverty levels, and social indicators to identify the five most dangerous neighborhoods in Ohio.

It’s important to remember that crime data can fluctuate, and even dangerous neighborhoods have positive aspects. This article is for informational purposes, not to spread fear. Our goal is to raise awareness and provide safety tips for Ohio residents.

Ohio has several cities with concerning crime rates. These include Cleveland, Dayton, Springfield, Akron, and Youngstown. Within these cities lie some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the state. Let’s delve deeper into five such neighborhoods.

1. Central Hillside, Dayton

Central Hillside in Dayton consistently ranks high in crime statistics. In 2023, the neighborhood saw a staggering 27 violent crimes and 84 property crimes per 1,000 residents. This is significantly higher than the national average.

Economic hardship likely plays a role in the high crime rate. The poverty rate in Central Hillside is a concerning 32%, considerably higher than the state average. Limited job opportunities and a lack of resources can create an environment where crime seems like the only option for some residents.

Despite the challenges, there are signs of hope. The Dayton Revitalization Project is investing in affordable housing initiatives and job training programs within Central Hillside. A resident recently shared, “I’ve seen a difference since the community center opened. It gives the kids a safe place to go after school.”

2. Buckeye-Shaker, Cleveland

Cleveland’s Buckeye-Shaker neighborhood struggles with a high rate of violent crime. In 2023, there were a troubling 38 violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Drug trafficking and gang activity are suspected contributors to the violence.

However, the community is not without resilience. The Buckeye Shaker Neighborhood Association is working tirelessly to improve safety through community watch programs and mentorship initiatives for at-risk youth. A recent resident survey indicated a growing sense of collaboration between residents and local law enforcement.

3. Springfield North, Springfield

Springfield North in Springfield grapples with a significant property crime problem. In 2023, the neighborhood saw a staggering 92 property crimes per 1,000 residents. Thefts from vehicles and burglaries are particularly common.

Vacant properties and a lack of streetlights are suspected contributing factors. Deteriorated housing stock can attract criminal activity. The Springfield City Council is currently exploring blight removal initiatives and improved street lighting programs in Springfield North.

4. Summit Lake, Akron

Akron’s Summit Lake neighborhood experiences a disproportionate amount of violent crime. In 2023, there were 29 violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Gang violence and domestic violence are significant concerns.

The Summit Lake Community Center is a beacon of hope, offering after-school programs, job training resources, and violence prevention workshops. A community leader recently stated, “We’re working to break the cycle of violence by providing opportunities and fostering a sense of community.”

5. Idora Park, Youngstown

Idora Park in Youngstown faces a complex set of challenges. The neighborhood experiences both a high rate of violent crime (31 per 1,000 residents in 2023) and a poverty rate exceeding 40%.

The Youngstown City Planning Commission is implementing a comprehensive revitalization plan for Idora Park. The plan includes investments in affordable housing, improved public transportation, and the creation of green spaces.

Safety Tips for Ohio Residents

While this article highlights some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Ohio, it’s important to remember that crime can occur anywhere. Here are some general safety tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Trust your gut instinct and avoid poorly lit or deserted areas.
  • Invest in home security measures. Consider a security system, good locks, and motion-sensor lights.
  • Get to know your neighbors. Building a sense of community can deter crime and make you feel safer.

Here are some additional safety tips based on specific crime types:

  • To avoid violent crime: Avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas. If you are confronted, stay calm and cooperate.
  • To avoid property crime: Lock your doors and windows, even when you’re at home. Don’t leave valuables in plain sight in your car. If you see something suspicious, report it to the police immediately.


The five neighborhoods explored in this article represent some of the most dangerous areas in Ohio. However, it’s important to remember that these neighborhoods are also home to many hard-working residents and strong communities. Revitalization efforts and community programs are making a positive difference.

By staying informed and taking safety precautions, Ohio residents can help make their neighborhoods safer. We can all play a role in advocating for resources and opportunities in high-crime areas. Remember, safe neighborhoods are strong neighborhoods. Let’s work together to create a safer Ohio for everyone.

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