Trump claims he would have easily secured the Libertarian nomination if he had run

Former President Donald Trump confidently stated that he would have undoubtedly secured the Libertarian Party convention nomination for president, had he not already been the presumptive GOP nominee.

In his statement on Sunday, Donald Trump acknowledged the “enthusiasm” displayed by the crowd at the party’s convention on Saturday. Although he received a mixed response that included audible booing, Trump recognized the overall level of excitement among the attendees.

In a recent social media post, Trump explained his decision not to file paperwork for the Libertarian Nomination. He stated that he would have undoubtedly received the nomination due to the overwhelming enthusiasm of the crowd at a recent event. However, as the Republican Nominee, he is not permitted to accept the nomination of another party.

Trump expressed confidence in his ability to secure a majority of the Libertarian votes, stating, “Regardless, I believe I will get a majority of the Libertarian votes.”

In his message on Sunday, Trump also criticized Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was nominated as a candidate at the Libertarian Party convention but was ultimately not chosen as its candidate.

“Junior Kennedy, a Radical Left Democrat, has left a trail of destruction behind him wherever he has been involved, particularly in New York and New England, with a specific impact on the cost and feasibility of energy,” Trump expressed on TruthSocial. “He does not align with Libertarian values. Only a foolish individual would consider voting for him!”

Kennedy, who was nominated as a presidential candidate at the last minute but failed to secure enough votes to proceed, took to social media on Sunday to express his reaction, describing the party’s decision as “an unexpected honor.”

I woke up this morning to a surprising honor – a surge of support in the Libertarian Party, urging for my nomination. If offered, I would have gladly accepted it. It is crucial for independent and third-party movements to come together at this moment and take back our country from the clutches of a corrupt two-party system. My speech at the convention was a personal highlight of my campaign.

“We may not see eye to eye on every single issue, but our shared commitment to peace, free speech, and civil liberties unites us as natural allies. It’s time for us to reclaim our country,” he concluded.

He expressed his willingness to accept the nomination if it was offered, emphasizing the importance of independent and third-party unity at this time.

Kennedy has chosen not to respond to Trump’s recent social media attack.

Both candidates were invited by the party’s chair to speak at the convention. Kennedy delivered his speech on Friday, but it received a lukewarm response from members. In interviews with ABC News over the weekend, many members expressed their belief that Kennedy was not a “real Libertarian.”

During his speech on Saturday, Trump faced a more chaotic atmosphere characterized by frequent booing and even physical altercations with law enforcement. Despite the disruptions, his remarks primarily revolved around appealing to the voting block.

Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy’s running mate, had been scheduled to address the convention on Sunday afternoon. However, she did not have the opportunity to speak as Kennedy was eliminated from the race.

During her conversation with reporters on Saturday, she expressed optimism about the potential for collaboration, despite the opposition from certain party members towards Kennedy’s presence at the convention. She stated, “I believe that by working together, we have a real chance of achieving success.”

Shanahan criticized Trump’s speech on Saturday night, highlighting the divisive nature of his words. According to Shanahan, Kennedy’s presence is meant to bring unity and heal the divides in the country.

Shanahan and her partner Jacob Strumwasser attended Trump’s Saturday night speech.

Shanahan expressed his fascination with the scene unfolding in the room, acknowledging the evident division within the country. He believed that the presence of Bobby Kennedy in that moment served a significant purpose – to bridge the gap and promote healing. Shanahan firmly believed that Kennedy was the ideal person for the task at hand, and he was wholeheartedly supportive of his efforts.

Chase Oliver, a millennial political activist, emerged as the recipient of the Libertarian party’s presidential nomination following a series of voting rounds at their convention on Sunday. Oliver, who has garnered support from the party’s left-leaning faction, has captured the attention of many within the Libertarian community.

In the sixth round, he secured 49.53% of the votes, totaling 423, while candidate Michael Rectenwald trailed behind with 44.73% of the votes, amounting to 382.

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