Te-Erika, a Former Captain D’s Employee, Pursues Entrepreneurship

Shatarra Daniels, who is now 26 years old, spent her childhood growing up on Edward Street in the Chisholm area of Montgomery, Alabama. She shared the responsibility of being the eldest of her 5 siblings with her twin sister. As a child, Shatarra enjoyed lending a hand to her mother in the kitchen, cleaning the house, and even helping her father with various household repairs.

Like many children, Shatarra had dreams of becoming a teacher or a hairstylist so she could help people and make them feel good about themselves. As she grew older, she realized her talent for achieving every goal she set and decided to aim higher: becoming a business owner. Shatarra recognized her personal magic and was determined to turn her dreams into reality.

Shatarra understood that to be a savvy entrepreneur, she first had to master the art of being a valuable employee. At the age of 16, she landed a job at Captain D’s Seafood Kitchen on Atlanta Highway in Montgomery. Over the course of nine years, Shatarra relentlessly committed herself to the company and eventually rose through the ranks to become the General Manager of the restaurant.

After working at Captain D’s and juggling odd jobs, Shatarra made the decision to leave the company she cherished to pursue entrepreneurship. She had attended Alabama State University prior to joining the workforce.

Shatarra, with her nine years of experience in customer service, coupled with her expertise in employee and business management, draws inspiration from her mother’s words of wisdom. “Always trust God and have faith, no matter how small it is, for it’s enough to move mountains,” her mother would often say to her.

Shatarra’s husband was her biggest supporter when she decided to turn her passion for designing handbags into a thriving business. She named her venture MaDDesignz, after her daughter Madisyn, and poured all her energy into making it a success. Shatarra reminisces about the start of her entrepreneurial journey, “After having my child, I decided to start a business called MaDDesignz. I wanted to create my own line of handbags with unique designs that I knew would be popular.”

After putting her money into the business, she took the next step by enlisting an artist to create a sketch of her handbag design. Then, she had a professional sample of the custom-made handbag produced.

Shatarra reminisces about the time when she proudly carried her purse for months, treating it like it was a designer bag from MK or Louis Vuitton. Despite the fact that it didn’t match some of her outfits, she continued to wear it with pride.

Her aspiration to become a handbag designer had to be put aside. Being a stay-at-home mom and wife, she was facing financial constraints and did not want to burden her husband with the expenses of pursuing her dreams. Despite her husband’s support, Shatarra realized that it would not be a wise decision to keep investing money into her goal.

Shatarra reflects on a time when she felt defeated, and the feeling still lingers even now. She had a strong desire to own her own business, and the setback was disheartening.

Despite facing a setback in her first business venture, Shatarra hasn’t let go of her aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur. She currently works as a bank teller, but spends her evenings actively researching business tips, grant opportunities, and success stories of other business owners. Her determination to turn her business dream into a reality remains unwavering.

Shatarra had been deeply disappointed in herself for a year due to the failure of her handbag business. However, she found inspiration in a new field when her sister asked for her help in planning a baby shower. Shatarra eagerly jumped in to assist, and it was during this process that she discovered her newfound passion for event planning. The excitement and joy surrounding the upcoming birth ignited something within her, and Shatarra knew that this was the path she was meant to take.

Shatarra has always been passionate about managing things, helping others, and providing service. Her ultimate goal is to see people happy, and she strongly believes that celebrating success or milestones through parties is one of the best ways to do so. “If I can shine my act of service on a family with each event, it’ll make my heart full of joy knowing that I made their day even more special,” she shares.

Shatarra is thrilled to spread joy by assisting families with planning baby showers and events. However, she has encountered difficulties in finding genuine clients.

As she scrolls through the Montgomery Black Pages Facebook group, Shatarra can’t help but feel inspired by the many talented Black women who proudly showcase their businesses and services. However, despite her eagerness to join their ranks, she’s at a loss as to where to start. Despite offering her event planning services for free as a demonstration of her abilities, she hasn’t garnered much interest.

Shatarra expresses her strong desire to be given an opportunity to prove her dedication to her customers. She firmly believes that she won’t give up on them, no matter how challenging the situation may be. Shatarra emphasizes that a new business is just as important as an established one, and she deserves a chance to showcase her skills. She firmly believes that regardless of the number of customers she has, one or a hundred, her business is still a business, and she will treat it with utmost respect and dedication. In the meantime, here are three effective ways to secure your first client for your business.

Shantarra, a baby shower and event planner, needs a boost to attract her first client. The Feisty News for Women found three savvy female business owners who shared their unconventional paths to securing their first business clients.

Provide a complimentary workshop

By conducting a class centered around your expertise and being open to teaching it to others, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable figure. As individuals seek a reprieve from the pressures linked to your field, you will be the first person they think of.

According to Vena Verga-Danemar, the founder of Legally She Can, an online business legal strategy firm, her initial clients were acquired through a free workshop. Vena understood that building trust with people was crucial before making any offers. With the online world being overwhelming and noisy, offering genuine value was the most effective way to stand out. Vena conducted a free legal workshop that not only highlighted the issues her audience faced but also provided solutions to those problems while demonstrating how she could help resolve them.

Familiarize Yourself with New People

Learning about strangers can be a great way to share your interests with others.

Christine Kutnick, a Joy Coach, shares that she was able to get her first client simply by taking a walk and sharing what she does. She thought of a few people who might be good clients and asked them to join her for a walk. During the walk, they talked about their lives and the challenges they were facing. If it was appropriate, Christine asked if they knew much about coaching and explained how it worked. She tied it to something they wanted to address and one person asked if Christine would take her on as a client. This experience gave Christine the confidence to have more walks with people she knew vaguely, and she was grateful for the opportunity that gave her the chance to showcase her skills.

Embrace the art of saying YES! While you may have a clear direction in mind, life can throw unexpected surprises your way. It’s important to learn to pivot and be open to new opportunities. Saying YES can lead to even better outcomes than you had originally envisioned.

Jennifer Broderick, Content Coordinator for Teak and Twine, shares the story of how the company shifted its focus from wedding gifts to corporate gifts. It all started when the founder, Torrance Hart, received a request from Microsoft for employee gifts. Despite being a bride who had previously ordered bridesmaid’s gifts, the client requested 1,000 corporate gifts. This was the largest order at the time, but Torrance didn’t hesitate to say yes. She believed in the ‘say yes’ attitude and knew they would figure it out later. Today, Teak and Twine is a multi-million dollar business with almost 75 employees and continues to thrive on this same principle.

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