Police report Virginia teenager missing after school

Mocobizscene- On Tuesday, February 27, a 15-year-old girl named “Leila” disappeared. The Fairfax County Police Department is actively seeking the public’s help in locating her. Leila was captured on surveillance video leaving Herndon High School at the time of dismissal.

Detectives say it is strange that she did not board the school bus to go back home. She was wearing an easily recognizable outfit: a white jacket, gray sweatpants, black socks, and flip-flops, as shown in the photo provided by her family.

The safety of Leila has become a major concern for her family, leading the Fairfax County Police Department to intensify their efforts in finding the missing teenager.

If you have any information regarding Leila’s whereabouts, please contact the Fairfax County Police Department at 703-691-2233. Every bit of information, regardless of its size, could play a vital role in reuniting Leila with her family and ensuring her safety.

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