Multiple Migrants En Route To The United States Abducted At Gunpoint From Bus In Mexico

Mocobizscene- Mexican authorities are currently engaged in a frantic search for 31 migrants from five Latin American countries. These individuals were forcefully taken at gunpoint by ruthless gangsters while traveling on a bus en route to the US border. The incident occurred over the weekend, triggering urgent efforts to locate and rescue the abducted migrants.

According to Federal Security Secretary Rosa Icela Rodríguez, a group of armed individuals stopped the bus on the highway in the city of Reynosa, Mexico. The bus journeyed from Monterrey to Matamoros, a city situated right across the border from Brownsville, Texas.

Cartels often kidnap migrants and hold them for ransom, although the exact motive for this particular kidnapping remains unknown. Rodríguez stated that the migrants who were kidnapped hailed from Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, and Mexico.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro officially announced on Tuesday that four Colombians were among the individuals who were held captive.

According to local reports, the passengers were on their way to the border for scheduled asylum hearings with US officials.

The Mexican National Guard, Army, and Navy have made efforts to track the migrants’ cell phones, analyze surveillance footage from the bus, and conduct thorough searches of the area by helicopter in their quest to find any clues about the missing individuals, as shared by Rodriguez. However, their endeavors have yielded limited results thus far.

Rodriguez expressed optimism in locating the victims promptly.

Migrants and human rights activists have been expressing concerns about an increasingly alarming kidnapping crisis in the crime-ridden Tamaulipas border region. Specifically, in Reynosa, the situation has worsened as rival gangs battle for dominance in the area.

Tamaulipas state has had its fair share of kidnappings. Back in 2019, almost twenty individuals were forcibly taken from a bus in the region, and sadly, they have never been found since.

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