Government concealing information on the mysterious “Havana syndrome”

Our government lacks transparency, which is a significant concern.

The Havana syndrome, a term used to describe a range of symptoms experienced by diplomats and embassy workers, has been a cause of concern since its initial emergence in Havana, Cuba almost ten years ago.

The symptoms have been observed worldwide, including in Northern Virginia. The U.S. government has repeatedly assured us that there is no malicious intent behind these incidents. However, Salon reported exclusively a year ago and CBS’s “60 Minutes” recently revealed that there are grounds to suspect that the health issues, labeled as “Anomalous Health Incidents” or AHI’s by the government, may be manmade and potentially linked to Russia.

Last year, attorney Mark Zaid, renowned for his expertise in handling Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, filed a FOIA on behalf of a federal government whistleblower and me. Our objective was to obtain additional information about the Havana syndrome. Zaid and the whistleblower are of the opinion that the government possesses knowledge about the cause of the syndrome and is concealing it. Nevertheless, credible sources indicate that it is highly improbable for the U.S. government to be responsible for causing the Havana syndrome.

In a show of support for government workers who courageously shared their symptoms, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed his unwavering commitment to their well-being. He acknowledged the authenticity of their pain, emphasizing that their health and safety remain his utmost priority.

Congress has taken action in response to the recent “60 Minutes” report and has requested President Biden to provide further details on the matter. This week, a judge heard testimony from Zaid regarding the most recent FOIA request, and even the judge expressed concern over the government’s uncooperative stance.

During the hearing, United States District Judge Amit Mehta expressed his concerns about the lack of transparency. As the presiding judge over the 2023 Google antitrust trial, Judge Mehta, who was appointed by President Obama, sentenced Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers, to 18 years in prison for his role in the January 6 insurrection. Judge Mehta characterized Rhodes’ actions as a grave threat to our democracy.

The government was expected to promptly address our information request, but thus far has only informed us that there may be up to 391 pages of information. Even after several months, we are still unaware of the actual content of this information. During the hearing, Judge Mehta noted that although the provision of information was meant to be expedited, this was not evident in the actual circumstances.

This lawsuit is part of a broader initiative to shed light on the U.S. government’s awareness of Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI) affecting federal employees and their families. Attorney Mark Zaid emphasized the importance of providing the American public with clear information regarding AHIs and the ongoing impact they have on government personnel, both at home and abroad.

According to Zaid’s statement on the “Just Ask the Question” podcast, the origins of the “Havana syndrome” can be linked back to the “Moscow Signal,” an incident that took place during the Cold War. This event involved a microwave transmission, ranging from 2.5 to 4 gigahertz, which was directed at the United States Embassy in Moscow from 1953 to 1976. The incident sparked an international controversy.

The large seal, which was a gift from Russia to the U.S., is believed to have been activated using a microwave signal. The seal served as a cover for a hidden listening device.

The question that arises now is whether the technology has progressed enough to be weaponized. There are suspicions that handheld devices may have been used to induce the symptoms known as The Havana syndrome.

While it may sound like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, the idea of the U.S. government using its citizens as Guinea Pigs is even more outlandish. In a podcast interview, Zaid debunked these claims, stating, “I do not believe that the U.S. government is torturing or using these devices on its own citizens.” However, it is the fringe conspiracy theorists who are perpetuating this misinformation and causing many reporters to overlook the real issues at hand.

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The cause behind the Havana syndrome has been the subject of various theories. Last year, Salon exclusively reported that the wide range of symptoms could be attributed to different energy weapons. However, the government continued to deny this possibility and claimed that there was no evidence linking AHIs to human activity. In 2016, the issue first came to public attention when diplomats from Canada and the U.S. stationed in Cuba reported experiencing a variety of symptoms. These symptoms ranged from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive dysfunction. A national security source, speaking anonymously, revealed, “This definitely occurred before 2016. The duration, parties involved, and motives remain unknown.”

Zaid expressed concern about the government’s lack of transparency regarding the issue and highlighted the potential long-term health implications it may have. He emphasized the seriousness of the problem and questioned the government’s liability for the health consequences that have arisen as a result.

The absence of clear information only fuels the spread of numerous conspiracy theories, many of which are more far-fetched than the actual truth. These theories range from allegations of government experiments on its own people to claims of extraterrestrial beings engaging in similar activities.

According to a Department of Defense official I spoke to on Saturday, there could potentially be a significant issue at hand. The official expressed concern over the possibility that our adversaries may have developed a portable microwave or radio device capable of inducing these symptoms. This raises questions about the safety of working overseas. Furthermore, if these devices are indeed manmade, it would suggest that this act occurred within the United States, which could be seen as an act of war.

According to the same source, the government has already developed or is currently developing methods to identify energy weapons, “if they indeed exist.”

The individual, who preferred not to disclose their beliefs on the origin of the Havana syndrome, expressed deep concern about its potential if it were indeed a human-made phenomenon. They emphasized the terrifying nature of a weapon that can cause harm, permanent disability, or even death from a remote location. Such an untraceable ability to cause harm is a grave and weighty matter.

It may sound like a crazy conspiracy theory, but the truth is that the U.S. government is actually taking the issue seriously. Multiple FOIA requests and lawsuits have revealed this, as highlighted in the recent “60 Minutes” segment. However, despite the government’s efforts, they seem to be hindering the public’s quest for answers.

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