Fire Claims Life Of 70-Year-Old Woman In Seal Beach

Mocobizscene-  A tragic incident unfolded in Seal Beach on Wednesday as a 70-year-old woman lost her life in a devastating house fire.

A fire erupted at approximately 7:30 p.m. within a two-story residence located on Violet Street’s 3700 block, as officials from the Orange County Fire Authority reported. The fire was swiftly brought under control within a mere 10 minutes. After extinguishing the flames, firefighters discovered an unidentified woman inside the house.

A 90-year-old man was taken to the hospital after he suffered minor burns and smoke inhalation while escaping from inside the house, according to firefighters.

According to Sergeant Jeff Gibson of the Seal Beach Police Department, it appears that the fire in the home was accidental. Although the investigation is still ongoing.

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