Charges Dropped Against Man Who Raped 16-Year-Old Stepdaughter

Mocobizscene-  According to Sgt. Joseph Mesa of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau, a Canyon Country man was taken into custody last Wednesday for allegedly raping his then-16-year-old stepdaughter two years prior.

Venusse Dunn, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, stated that the victim was not interested in being prosecuted or testifying, so when the case was brought to the Sex Crimes Division on Friday, it was turned down.

If the victim, an adult now, declines to testify, the court cannot proceed with the case even though it alleges that the guy had some sort of sexual relationship with a juvenile.

“We are unable to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt if there is a case where victim testimony is required and the victim is non-desirous of prosecution and will not testify, resulting in a lack of corroboration,” Dunn stated.

There was no further information released about the alleged crime.

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Sean O
Sean O

Sean thinks the world of Montgomery County, Maryland. She grew up in the area starting from Silver Spring and has been involved in various organizations around the County. With the transformation of downtown Silver Spring, She pioneered interest in online content specific to the area. Sean graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus in Economics and Geographic Information Science.

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