Cease fire rally sees participation from Hampton Roads residents

Protesters from Norfolk and Williamsburg were picked up by a bus on Saturday to join the demonstrations. Passengers were then transported to the rally for the National March on Washington demanding a Free Palestine. According to News 3, members of the group hailing from Hampton Roads are in favor of an autonomous state for Palestine and strive for peace in the Middle East.

The demonstrators express their concern over the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. Their presence at the protest in D.C. on Saturday is a clear indication of their dismay. During the rally, one of the participants expressed that not all individuals present represent their government. According to the participant, the power has always belonged to the people and still does, which is why it is crucial to attend and make a statement. The participant preferred to remain anonymous.

If you bought a ticket for the bus ride to the march, you were entitled to a ride back home to Hampton Roads on Saturday night.

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