Argument Between Individuals Results In Fatal Shooting In November 2022, Witnessed By Two Toddlers

Mocobizscene-Court documents have revealed additional information about Linsey Rose’s alleged involvement in a fatal shooting that occurred in November 2022 in northeast Indianapolis. The incident was witnessed by two toddlers.

Rose faced arrest in December 2023 for murder charges linked to a shooting incident on November 1, 2022. The shooting resulted in the tragic death of Maxine Congress, a 23-year-old individual, as per earlier reports.

The man faced initial arrest on murder charges in connection with the case. However, the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office decided to drop the charges against him due to conflicting narratives surrounding the shooting, as reported previously.

According to Rose, in an interview with officers, an altercation occurred on November 1, 2022, at a residence on the northeast side of Indianapolis. The dispute arose among a gathering of people during a cookout. One individual apparently decided to leave the premises and confront someone at a nearby park. As they were making their way to the park on foot, they were offered a ride by someone driving a Nissan SUV, and they accepted, promptly leaving the scene.

After the SUV left, it circled back to the northeast side to ensure the well-being of a family member. According to the documents, the SUV accommodated six individuals, including two toddlers. Upon arriving at the residence, Rose informed the authorities that she noticed a white vehicle parked nearby.

According to other individuals involved, the shooting was a result of a series of arguments that had been ongoing for weeks prior to the incident. These individuals provided the police with similar accounts, stating that the arguments revolved around the person that Rose was in a relationship with.

When Rose was arrested on November 2, 2022, she repeatedly admitted to the police that she was the person they were searching for. Moreover, she disclosed the location of the gun used in the shooting of Maxine Congress, stating that it was stored in a dresser. According to the documents, the police discovered a .40 caliber handgun at an apartment connected to Rose.

Rose’s pretrial hearing will take place on February 28, as stated in court documents. Following this, the jury trial is scheduled for March 11.

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