Alabama Woman Dies in Car Accident Caused by Falling Logs from a Log Truck

According to police reports, a devastating incident took place on Monday morning in Alabama, resulting in the loss of a woman’s life. The accident occurred when logs fell from a log truck and collided with her pickup truck. The circumstances surrounding the tragedy are currently under investigation by authorities.

Miriam Atteberry, aged 44, died tragically in an incident reported by the police at around 10:03 a.m. The logs on a log truck collided with the overpass as the vehicle crossed a railroad, dislodging and hitting Atteberry’s car.

Atteberry was driving southbound on Marvyn Parkway in Opelika when the collision happened with the log truck that was heading north.

Atteberry was declared dead on arrival by the scene. Authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the incident, with the Opelika police, Lee County Coroner’s Office, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, and Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences collaborating to gather all necessary information.

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