More charges are possible, according to a local attorney, following the Montgomery riverfront battle

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The video of a brawl that took place in Montgomery over the weekend has been widely circulated. The incident involved dozens of people shouting, shoving, and punching each other at Riverfront Park on Saturday.

Montgomery police have charged three people with misdemeanours in connection to the fight, but Attorney Roger Appell believes that even more charges could be forthcoming for those who participated.

Appell stated that the behaviour of those involved in the fight was “absolutely ridiculous.” Initially, those who attempted to break up the fight were doing the right thing, according to Appell. He remembers a tall gentleman who came in and started pulling people apart and separating them, which is precisely what one should do if they do not feel that they are in danger.

However, as more people became involved, Appell believes that the situation worsened. He recalled one individual who had picked up a folding chair and began hitting people and stated that this person could face a felony charge under Alabama law.

Assault in the second degree is a felony if you use a deadly weapon and cause physical harm, according to the law. Appell emphasized that regardless of the reason for bystanders’ participation in the fight, whether to defend someone or seek revenge, assault is still illegal.

He stated that the most significant message is that individuals should not take the law into their own hands, no matter how angry or justified they feel. Instead, they should contact the police and allow them to handle the situation. If a similar situation arises, Appell advises people to stay away and call 911.

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