Video captures parolee’s car fatally injuring Colorado parole officer during arrest attempt

Video shows scene when Colorado parole officer was fatally injured by car trying to arrest ...

The Colorado Department of Corrections reported that Justin Kula was being served a warrant by three parole officers, one of whom was Officer Christine Guerin Sandoval, at the Veterans Convenience Store in Colorado Springs on Sept. 28.

Upon reviewing the security footage, it is clear that the trio of officers arrived at the intersection of N. Spruce St. and East Bijou St. in two unmarked sedans. The video evidence provides a visual representation of their arrival and adds an extra layer of detail to the events that transpired.

The surveillance video in the store only captures footage when motion is detected, so unfortunately, it doesn’t show the officers leaving their cars to apprehend Kula. However, the video does reactivate when Kula’s Lexus SUV backs up and drives off the curb onto the street. The vehicle crosses several lanes of traffic and continues south on W. Bijou St. until it disappears from view.

As the Lexus quickly drives off, Officer Guerin Sandoval is left injured on the road. A group of bystanders and his fellow parole officers immediately rush to his aid. The frantic scene is filled with people shouting, “Call 911!” as they try to assist Officer Guerin Sandoval in any way possible.

After the Lexus was spotted, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation issued a “Blue Alert” and provided a description of Kula. Fortunately, Colorado Springs Police were able to apprehend Kula after a brief shelter-in-place was issued for the 400 block of Glen View Court.

According to 13 Investigates, it has been discovered that Kula had been convicted of three felonies prior to the incident in question. In November 2021, he was convicted of felony stalking, attempted extortion, and attempted assault of a police officer.

In the stalking case, Kula was sentenced to four years in prison by El Paso County Judge Frances Johnson. Additionally, he received two years each for the charges of extortion and assault on a police officer. However, Judge Johnson ordered that Kula serve all of his sentences concurrently, rather than consecutively. This means that his eligibility for parole is determined by his longest sentence, rather than the total of all three.

According to 13 Investigates , the Colorado Department of Corrections disclosed that Kula was granted parole on February 15, 2023. Despite being sentenced for four years, Kula was released after serving a mere one year and three months in prison.

As per the records of the court, Kula had already served 320 days in the El Paso County Jail while he was awaiting trial for all three of his cases.

According to the CDOC, parolees who are accused of new crimes while out on early release have their “credit for time served” factored into their prison sentence. As a result, Kula’s four-year sentence was reduced to a three-year sentence.

When 13 Investigates contacted the Colorado Springs Police Department to inquire about the details of the parole officers’ encounter with Kula that were not captured in the surveillance video, the CSPD declined to comment. They explained that discussing the case publicly could impede their ongoing investigation into Kula’s alleged behavior.

At present, Kula is being held in the El Paso County Jail on serious charges. The bond set for his release is a staggering $250,000, which can be paid in cash, surety, or property. The charges against him include leaving the scene of an accident involving a death, criminal manslaughter, and third-degree assault.

According to Michael Allen, the Fourth Judicial District Attorney, the investigation is still ongoing. If there is enough evidence to support it, Kula may face further charges.

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