Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Venezuela (Updated 2023)

It’s been tough going for Venezuela over the past few years.

The country has been plunged into a state of complete chaos due to a range of problems such as political corruption, rampant inflation, and gross human rights violations.

It is highly improbable that you would be able to locate these items, even if you had ample funds to purchase them.

The nation as a whole has shed an average of 11 pounds.

The citizens are not only suffering from starvation, but they are also deeply entrenched in poverty.

In all honesty, the entire nation is a hazardous location to reside in.

In light of recent events, the US government has cautioned against travelling to Venezuela.

If you’re planning a trip to the northern region of South America, it’s crucial to stay informed about current events.

It’s important to keep in mind these 10 cities as they can provide guidance for your trip.

The Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Venezuela

1. Caracas

Criminal activity tends to thrive in a nation’s capital.

The statement holds significant weight when it comes to Caracas, a bustling coastal city that is home to over 2.1 million people.

Caracas, Venezuela, is not only known for being the most dangerous city in the country but also one of the most perilous in the world. In fact, it often ranks as the second most hazardous city worldwide.

According to statistics, Caracas holds the third position for the highest murder rate, with 100 murders per 100,000 individuals.

2. Guyana City

Enya’s widely popular song, “Orinoco Flow,” is named after a river that flows through Venezuela. It remains one of her biggest hits to date.

The city of Ciudad Guyana is situated right along a section of the Orinoco River.

Unfortunately, the peaceful aura of the river has not had a positive impact on the town.

According to the latest statistics, the crime index stands at 85.

According to the index, drugs, violence, and property crimes are rated at 85 or higher.

3. Maturin

According to statistics, Maturin has been listed as one of the deadliest cities in the world, with a ranking as high as 5th place. Shockingly, the city has recorded 505 murders and 86 homicides per 100,000 individuals.

Although there has been a slight decrease in recent years, Maturin remains an area that experiences high levels of volatility.

It should come as no shock that crimes involving violence are classified with a score of 100 on the crime index.

Coming in second place are property crimes, with a total of 94 incidents.

4. Valencia

Valencia owes its name to a vast lake that dwarfs the city by three times its size.

Despite the ease of escaping the metropolis, the city is still struggling with a high incidence of criminal activities.

Valencia faces significant challenges in terms of its crime rate, as indicated by its crime index score of 83. The most pressing issues are related to violent and property crimes.

It could be difficult to have someone arrested for vandalism or assault.

According to recent statistics, the instances of bribery are alarmingly high, with a staggering 98% rate being reported. This highlights the urgent need for stricter measures to be implemented to combat this unethical practice.

5. Petare

Located in Caracas, Petare is a suburb that boasts a unique blend of urban and natural landscapes. Spanning across the Venezuelan Coastal Range, half of the area is characterized by bustling city life while the other half is comprised of stunning natural scenery.

In 2015, Petare had a homicide rate of 120 per 100,000 people, making it the most violent area despite only half the city being inhabited.

Despite being labelled as the most violent slum in the world, it still remains unclean and unsafe.

6. Cumana

Cumana, a coastal town, has not yet been touched by the vibrant Caribbean energy.

The tale behind it is quite fascinating.

As one of the initial territories claimed by Spain, this city holds the distinction of being the oldest Hispanic settlement on the continent.

Regrettably, the city has earned the reputation of being among the top cities with the highest homicide rates, with a staggering 63 homicides per 100,000 individuals.

7. Exploring Barquisimeto

Barquisimeto offers a multitude of activities to indulge in, and one of them includes the serene experience of sitting by the Rio Turbio.

There is always a chance of becoming a victim of a crime.

According to the crime index, the city is currently at 79.

The city is grappling with its most significant challenge- corruption, apart from the surging incidents of violent and property crimes.

8. Maracaibo

Maracaibo, nestled between Lago de Maracaibo and the Caribbean, boasts a truly unparalleled location.

According to the latest statistics, the crime index currently stands at 83.

According to the index, offences like vandalism, assault, and bribery are rated close to 100.

9. Exploring Ciudad Bolivar

Located west of Guayana City and down the river, Ciudad Bolivar is a charming destination to explore.

According to the latest statistics, the city’s overall crime index stands at 72.

According to statistics, the rate of property crimes stands at a staggering 92, which is significantly higher than the rates of both violent crimes and drug-related offenses.

10. Maracay – A Beautiful City to Explore

Maracay is situated on the opposite side of Lago de Valencia in comparison to Valencia.

Although the city’s overall crime index is rated 82, the rate of violent crimes in the area is alarmingly high, at 98.

Right after that, we have corruption and bribery lurking in the shadows.

Could it be that Venezuela is influencing Lago de Valencia in a negative way?

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