Cuomo says Adams is ‘right’ to claim migrant crisis could destroy NYC, rips Biden and Hochul policy ‘madness’

In a recent statement, Andrew Cuomo, former Governor of New York, expressed agreement with the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, regarding the warning of a potential migrant crisis that could lead to the destruction of the five boroughs. This comes after Adams made the statement during a town hall meeting, emphasizing the severity of the issue. Cuomo’s support of Adams’ concerns highlights the urgent need to address the crisis before it causes irreparable damage to the city.

At the age of 65, Cuomo has publicly supported Adams while criticizing other members of the Democratic Party, including President Biden and current Governor Kathy Hochul, for their handling of migrant policies that he deems as “madness.”

During a recent visit to God’s Battalion of Prayer Church in Brooklyn’s Prospect Lefferts Garden, Governor Cuomo addressed the largely black congregation and expressed his belief that the federal government has not been effective in managing the issue at hand. It was a friendly audience that has welcomed the governor in the past, despite the controversies surrounding his tenure.

According to the former governor, there is no denying that New York City has become overly burdened. He has been rumored to be considering a return to politics despite resigning from his position in 2021 amidst a storm of accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment. In fact, he recently spoke at a Democratic club event, fueling speculation about a potential comeback.

According to Cuomo, New York City cannot bear the burden of the migrant problem any longer. “We cannot take more than we have taken. And the plain truth is New York City cannot pay the bill for this migrant problem,” he stated. This echoes his podcast comments from last week, as reported by the New York Post.

According to the speaker, the amount of money involved in New York City is staggering, reaching billions and billions of dollars. This financial issue is compounded by other challenges such as homelessness, crime, and the departure of both people and businesses after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following his resignation, Cuomo criticized his former lieutenant, Hochul, who now holds the top position in Albany. Despite the allegations made against him, the former governor has maintained his innocence.

According to recent reports, Governor Hochul has taken a firm stance on the issue of migrant relocation. Unlike some of her counterparts, she has refrained from attempting to mandate that other regions of the state accept migrants. This approach has been met with criticism from some individuals, such as Adams, who has publicly voiced his disagreement with her handling of the situation. Despite these opinions, Hochul has remained steadfast in her decision.

In a statement, Cuomo expressed his frustration with the lack of coherent action taken by both the state and federal government to address the ongoing migrant crisis. He emphasized that the current approach, or lack thereof, simply makes no sense.

Cuomo expressed his disbelief by stating, “It’s madness. Mayor Adams is absolutely correct. This cannot continue and there is no justification for it.”

Honduran migrant Maria Argentina, an amputee, and daughter, Nathalie, 2, crossed the Rio Grande river from Mexico into the United States on Sunday. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers cut concertina wire to let migrants who crossed the Rio Grande river from Mexico into the United States cross to be processed and transported.

In recent weeks, Adams made headlines when he warned that the current immigration crisis could have devastating consequences for New York City. Despite the thousands of asylum seekers arriving in the city each month, the White House has shown little concern for the situation. Adams believes that this issue must be addressed before it’s too late, as it has the potential to cause irreversible damage to one of America’s most iconic cities.

During a town hall meeting held on the Upper West Side, Eric Adams expressed his concerns about the future of New York City. He remarked that he had never faced a problem that did not have an end, but unfortunately, he could not envision a conclusion to the current issue. Adams believed that this problem would ultimately ruin the city and its potential for growth.

During a statement made on Sunday, Cuomo emphasized that the issue at hand is not solely a problem for New York City, but rather a problem that must be addressed by both the federal and state governments.

According to him, the federal government must fulfill its responsibility of managing the population in a smart and equitable manner, while also bearing the financial burden. He firmly believes that the taxpayers of the City of New York should not be held accountable for it.

Mayor Adams has recently voiced his opinion that the burden of the current situation should not solely rest on the residents of New York City. It is time for the federal and state governments to step in and provide assistance. It is important to stand in solidarity with him on this matter.

Cuomo criticized his party’s stance on crime.

Cuomo acknowledged the harsh reality that many individuals walking the streets are fearful of crime. This is a fact that cannot be ignored.

As a Democrat, it’s disheartening to see so many politicians turn a blind eye to wrongdoing. It seems like they’re more concerned with protecting their party than holding those in power accountable. I’ve heard too many of them dismiss legitimate concerns as mere Republican propaganda. This lack of accountability only serves to erode trust in our political system, and it’s time for our leaders to start taking their responsibilities more seriously.

Cuomo expressed his disagreement, stating that it was nonsensical since crime inflicts harm upon the population. He pointed out that a significant percentage of crime victims belong to minority and low-income communities, specifically around 70 to 80% being black or brown.

He emphasized that “Defund the police” is the most foolish political statement ever made by left-leaning individuals who advocate for reducing funds allocated to law enforcement agencies.

In his speech, the former governor expressed similar sentiments to former New York Governor David Paterson, who recently criticized the current Democratic leaders for their handling of the migrant crisis and rising crime rates. Paterson’s recent critique was a forceful one, and the former governor’s remarks echoed his concerns.

During a recent discussion on the topics, Paterson once again made an appearance on the airwaves. However, this time he specifically praised Hochul, who, just like him, was promoted to her position in the midst of a sex scandal. He commended her for taking a stand against the federal government regarding the matter of migrants.

During a recent interview on WABC 770’s “Cats Roundtable,” former Governor Paterson expressed his observations about Gov. Hochul’s shifting stance towards migrants. He noted that she has now aligned with Mayor Adams’ previous remarks, stating that the migrant issue is a federal problem that has been imposed on New York City and New York state without any support or resolution plan. Paterson’s remarks shed light on the ongoing challenges faced by these regions in dealing with the influx of migrants.

When questioned about whether his government partners were stepping up to the challenge, Adams surprisingly took a more conciliatory approach on Sunday.

During an interview with WABC’s “Up Close With Bill Ritter,” Adams expressed his appreciation for the president and his team for enabling a pathway for migrants from Venezuela and Afghanistan to work. Adams said, “I want to thank the president, I want to thank his team” while discussing the White House’s decision. The article, which can be found on the New York Post, sheds light on the unexpected migrant work visa decision that has left NYC scrambling.

Adams revealed that discussions about this matter have been ongoing for several months now. He mentioned that they have already met with the White House team and have had several conversations with the White House Chief of Staff.

“It’s worth acknowledging that the governor took the time to add her voice to this, and we appreciate it,” said the Mayor.

However, he kept warning about the surge of migrants in the city, as over 110,000 individuals seeking asylum have arrived in New York City since the spring of 2022.

Adams emphasized that a single solution cannot solve the issue of the influx of migrants and asylum seekers in the city. He explained that with around 60,000 individuals under their care and an additional 10,000 arriving every month, the proposed initiative for Venezuelan and Afghan nationals would not be sufficient to address the situation. Furthermore, many new arrivals may not be eligible for the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and other benefits provided by the initiative. Hence, Adams believes that a more comprehensive approach is necessary to tackle this pressing concern.

On a Sunday, Cuomo attended a church service after making an appearance at a well-known Brooklyn Democratic club earlier in the month.

In March 2022, Andrew Cuomo selected God’s Battalion of Prayer Church for his initial public speech following his resignation. During the speech, he expressed his grievances about being a target of “cancel culture,” as reported by the New York Post.

In March 2022, Basil Smikle shared his thoughts with WCBS about Andrew Cuomo’s appearance at a black church in Brooklyn. According to Smikle, there could be members of the black community who believe Cuomo was unfairly treated, and that is why visiting a black church on a Sunday seemed like a reasonable choice for him.

According to locals in central Brooklyn and the wider Caribbean community, there is a strong affection for Cuomo and a deep sense of disappointment that he has resigned. This sentiment is indicative of the governor’s popularity within these communities, and is a reflection of the positive impact he has had on their lives. Despite the controversy surrounding his departure, Cuomo’s legacy remains intact in the hearts and minds of those who hold him dear.

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