Joelle Hannam, a Montgomery native, has been awarded an Obama Foundation scholarship for civic service

Joelle Hannam, a Montgomery resident, took a chance when she applied for the Obama Foundation’s Voyager Scholarship. She described the process as a gamble but decided to go for it anyway. The scholarship is a prestigious opportunity for young leaders who are passionate about creating positive change in their communities.

Aspiring college juniors and seniors can now avail of the highly coveted competitive public service scholarship that provides up to $50,000 in financial aid. Apart from this, the scholarship also includes $10,000 for two summers of work and travel and free Airbnb housing for those two summers. This is an excellent opportunity for students who are passionate about public service to receive the necessary financial support to pursue their dreams.

In June, Hannam received the exciting news of being named a semi-finalist, which ignited her hopes. A month later, she was overjoyed to learn that she had been selected to join the second cohort of Voyagers.

Aside from the financial support, awardees also get to participate in a public service summit during the autumn season and have the opportunity to personally meet former President Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, and Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb.

In a statement, President Obama expressed his excitement to collaborate with these gifted individuals in the coming years as they embark on their journey of public service. Their unwavering commitment to public welfare and their resolute determination to tackle global issues instill a sense of optimism for a better future. President Obama is confident that this scholarship program will not only transform their lives but also have a positive impact on the world.

According to Hannam, the chance to participate in this program has already shifted her perspective on what lies ahead. It’s worth noting that this opportunity was made possible by Chesky’s personal contribution of $100 million, which covers all costs.

Hannam expressed her gratitude towards the scholarship, stating that it will enable her to achieve her lifelong dream of completing her education without acquiring any debt. She also shared her excitement about meeting other students who have received the scholarship and is eager to establish connections with individuals who share her passion for public service. Hannam is optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead and is looking forward to embarking on this new journey.

Upon completing her high school education, Hannam was homeschooled in Montgomery before embarking on her journey to pursue a career in architecture. She then made her way to Fargo, N.D., where she enrolled in the highly regarded architecture program offered by North Dakota State University.

During her high school years, she devoted her time to volunteering with various organizations such as House to House, a housing ministry, and also interned for the City of Montgomery’s planning department. It was during this time that she developed a strong passion for public service and the pursuit of racial justice. These experiences helped shape her values and dedication towards making a positive impact in her community.

Hannam shared that it was the stark contrast in living conditions in West Montgomery that opened her eyes to the dire situation that had been ignored for far too long. However, amidst this bleak reality, she also witnessed the unyielding hope and dedication of the people in the community. This realization deeply moved her and instilled a strong desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others in the best way possible.

After taking a few classes in the architecture program at NDSU, Hannam came to a realization that what she truly enjoyed about her previous work may not have been the buildings themselves, but rather the way she was able to provide tangible value to those in need. As a result, she decided to switch her major to psychology and sociology last year and has since been actively pursuing a career in mental health services.

In a statement, Chesky expressed his excitement about the potential impact that the next class of Voyagers will have on society. He believes that these individuals are some of the brightest young minds in the country and that the scholarship will help unlock the potential that lies within them.

Erin Lancaster, Kate Herndon, and Hannam are among the newly selected scholars for this cohort. Kate Herndon is a student from the University of Alabama and Erin Lancaster is from Harvest. The three scholars will be working together as part of this program.

At present, Herndon is making a valuable contribution to the state of Alabama by being associated with UA’s Blackburn Institute. As for Hannam, she is uncertain about what lies ahead, but she is not dismissing the possibility of a permanent return to Montgomery.

Hannam shared that the city has always been a source of inspiration for him. He sees a lot of potential and positivity in the city, which he finds very appealing. He expressed his desire to contribute to the city’s growth and development by being a part of it. According to Hannam, being able to play a role in the city’s progress would be a fulfilling experience for him.

At present, her main focus is on her education and the exciting opportunity that lies ahead.

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