Court Orders Credit Card Fraudster in NJ-NY to Repay $1.43 Million

A manager involved in a conspiracy using stolen credit card information to carry out fraudulent purchases nationwide has been sentenced to prison. Additionally, they have been mandated to repay a sum exceeding $1 million.

Trevor Osagie, a 32-year-old resident of the Bronx, NY, has previously admitted to guilt on a charge of conspiracy to commit bank fraud. He received a sentence of 12 months and one day in prison on Monday. In addition, he was also given three years of supervised release and was ordered to pay $1.43 million in restitution.

From 2015 until the end of 2018, Osagie collaborated with a group of individuals in the New Jersey-New York area to carry out a scheme. This network travelled across the United States, using stolen credit card details to buy gift cards, book flights and hotels, rent cars, and obtain various goods and services.

Participants in the conspiracy acquired stolen credit card information through various sources, including the “dark web” and other channels.

Osagie not only recruited someone to create the fraudulent credit cards but also supervised the individuals who were responsible for carrying out the fraudulent transactions across different locations in the United States. According to officials, the conspirators accumulated more than $1.5 million through fraudulent purchases, utilizing over 4,000 stolen credit card accounts.

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