Attorney General secures court order to close Lowndes County casino

Alabama’s attorney general has successfully obtained a temporary restraining order against a casino located in Lowndes County. The attorney general’s office uncovered over 600 illegal slot machines at the establishment.

Attorney General Steve Marshall issued an order targeting White Hall Entertainment and several affiliated groups connected to the casino. These groups include Cornerstone Community Outreach, Winter Sky LLC, White Sands Technology LLC, BB23 LLC, and R&J Holding Company Inc.

The casino had previously been closed and sealed before the temporary restraining order.

According to a statement from Marshall’s office, all assets of the entities involved have been frozen. As a result, there can be no further financial transactions associated with the facility or those running it until the Circuit Court of Lowndes County issues further orders.

As part of the investigation, Marshall’s office acquired a search warrant for the casino.

In the announcement, Attorney General Marshall emphasized that the operations carried out today were part of the continued enforcement of previous orders issued by the Alabama Supreme Court for Lowndes County. He firmly stated that the individuals, building owners, and operators involved in running these illegal machines had acted in defiance of the law, local court orders, and the Supreme Court of Alabama. Attorney General Marshall made it clear that such illegal activities will not be tolerated in Lowndes County or anywhere else in Alabama.

The Circuit Court had previously closed the casino in Lowndes County, Alabama in September 2022. The court’s ruling stated that the operation of what was referred to as “electronic bingo” was causing ongoing disturbances and deemed it necessary to be stopped.

According to Marshall, White Hall Entertainment defied the order and resumed operations by using illegal gambling machines.

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