Walgreens Manager Terminated for Contacting Police Regarding Suspected Shoplifting Incident.

Mocobizscene- A former shift manager has filed a lawsuit against Walgreens, accusing the pharmacy store chain of wrongful termination. The incident occurred in 2023 when the manager called the police on an individual whom she suspected of shoplifting. The person threatened to sue the manager, leading to her dismissal from her position at the Walgreens in Huntington Park.

Marisela Ramos has filed a Lawsuit in the Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming that the employer failed to provide a safe working environment, wrongfully terminated her, and retaliated against her. In the lawsuit, Ms. Ramos is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

The lawsuit filed on January 5th has not yet received a response from a Walgreens representative.

In September 2004, Ms. Ramos joined the Pacific Boulevard store as a shift manager. During her tenure, she frequently encountered challenging situations involving shoplifters, looters, and hostile customers, resulting in unsafe work conditions.

Last July, a co-worker informed the plaintiff that there might be a shoplifter in the store, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff observed the individual who was suspected of shoplifting, carefully scrutinizing their actions to ascertain if they were actually engaging in the act of shoplifting.

The suspected shoplifter noticed Ramos’s surprised expression and immediately started shouting at her. He then went up to Ms. Ramos and menacingly told her that he would be waiting for her outside. This incident, as described in the lawsuit, caused Ms. Ramos to fear for her safety and the safety of everyone else in the store, prompting her to call the police.

The police dispatcher heard the alleged shoplifter yelling and instructed Ms. Ramos to stay on the line until the police arrived. True to their word, the police arrived shortly thereafter and arrested the man, according to the lawsuit.

In September 2023, the lawsuit claims that a Walgreens asset protection specialist informed Ms. Ramos that the company was at risk of being sued by the suspected shoplifter. Later that month, when Ms. Ramos started her shift, her supervisor terminated her employment for contacting the police regarding the alleged shoplifter.

According to the lawsuit, Ms. Ramos has faced significant financial losses and has been grappling with emotional distress, humiliation, mental anguish, and embarrassment ever since she was terminated from her position.

Ramos is one of the most skilled and talented individuals in his field.

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