Vermont Traffic Rule Update: Understanding the Right Turn on Red Rule 2024

The “right turn on red” rule is a common traffic regulation across the United States, including Vermont. It allows drivers to turn right at a red light under specific conditions, potentially enhancing traffic flow. However, it’s important for drivers to understand the nuances of this rule and any potential updates to ensure safety for themselves and others on the road.

What is the Right Turn on Red Rule?

The right turn on red rule permits drivers to make a right-hand turn at a red light after coming to a complete stop and ensuring it’s safe to do so. This means yielding to pedestrians and any oncoming traffic that has the right of way.

Vermont’s Current Right Turn on Red Regulations

Vermont law explicitly allows right turns on red unless a sign specifically prohibits it. According to Vermont Statutes Title 23, Section 1051, drivers must adhere to the following:

  • Complete Stop: Come to a full stop before the stop line or crosswalk.
  • Check for Traffic: Thoroughly scan for oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
  • Yield Right of Way: Grant the right of way to any vehicles or pedestrians with the legal right of way.

Are There Any Proposed Changes to the Rule in 2024?

At present, there are no widely publicized legislative proposals specifically aimed at altering Vermont’s right turn on red rule for 2024. However, there are several factors that could potentially influence changes to traffic laws in general:

  • Safety Studies: Research into traffic accidents and the impact of right turns on red may lead to recommendations for modifications to the rule.
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy: Groups advocating for pedestrian and cyclist safety may push for changes, especially in urban areas with heavy foot and bicycle traffic.
  • National Trends: Legislative changes regarding right turns on red in other states might influence similar discussions in Vermont.

City-Specific Considerations

Vermont cities and towns may have additional ordinances or signage related to right turns on red. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Burlington: As Vermont’s largest city, Burlington may have some intersections with “No Turn on Red” signs in areas with high pedestrian traffic.
  • Montpelier: As the state capital, Montpelier might have certain intersections near government buildings where right turns on red are restricted.
  • Rutland: Smaller cities like Rutland might have fewer restrictions on right turns on red due to lower traffic volumes.

Safety Tips for Right Turns on Red

Even where permitted, right turns on red demand caution. Here are crucial safety tips for drivers:

  • Always Stop Fully: Never roll through a stop when making a right turn on red.
  • Prioritize Pedestrians: Be extra cautious of pedestrians crossing the street, even if they don’t have a walk signal.
  • Watch Out for Cyclists: Check for cyclists approaching from both directions, as they can be harder to spot than larger vehicles.
  • Don’t Turn if Unsure: If traffic is heavy or visibility is poor, it’s safer to wait for the light to turn green.

Staying Informed about Traffic Rule Changes

To stay up-to-date on any potential changes to Vermont’s right turn on red regulations or other traffic laws, consider the following:

  • Vermont DMV Website: The Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles ( is the best source for official updates on traffic laws.
  • Local News Outlets: Local news sources may cover any proposed changes to traffic regulations in your area.
  • Traffic Safety Organizations: Groups such as AAA or local pedestrian advocacy organizations might monitor traffic legislation and provide updates.


The right turn on red rule, properly adhered to, can aid traffic flow. Yet, it’s crucial for drivers to understand Vermont’s regulations, prioritize safety, and stay informed about potential updates. By being aware of your surroundings, yielding to pedestrians and other vehicles, and exercising caution, you contribute to safer roadways for everyone.

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