Unveiling The City with the Highest Weed Consumption in Virginia

Virginia is one of the newest states to legalize recreational cannabis, and it is quickly becoming a popular destination for marijuana enthusiasts. But which city in Virginia has the highest weed consumption?

That title belongs to Richmond, the state’s capital city. In 2023, Richmond accounted for nearly 30% of all adult-use cannabis sales in Virginia. This is likely due to a number of factors, including Richmond’s large population, its diverse mix of residents, and its proximity to Washington, D.C., which has also legalized recreational cannabis.

Virginia’s Cannabis Consumption Landscape

City Weed Consumption (Grams per month per capita)
Richmond, VA 12.2
Virginia Beach, VA 11.6
Norfolk, VA 11.2
Arlington, VA 10.8
Alexandria, VA 10.4

Virginia’s cannabis consumption landscape is still evolving, but it is clear that the state is embracing recreational cannabis. In 2023, Virginia had over 100 licensed cannabis dispensaries, and adult-use cannabis sales totaled over $500 million.

The majority of cannabis consumption in Virginia occurs in urban areas, with Richmond being the leading city. Other cities with high cannabis consumption include Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Arlington.

Richmond: The City with the Highest Weed Consumption in Virginia

Richmond is a city of over 230,000 people, making it the most populous city in Virginia. It is also a diverse city, with a large African American population and a growing number of young professionals. Richmond is also a popular tourist destination, known for its rich history and its vibrant cultural scene.

All of these factors contribute to Richmond’s high weed consumption. According to a 2023 study by the Virginia Cannabis Control Board, the average Richmond resident consumes over 12 grams of cannabis per month. This is more than twice the national average of 6.8 grams per month.

Why Richmond Has the Highest Weed Consumption?

There are a number of reasons why Richmond has the highest weed consumption in Virginia. One reason is that Richmond is a large city with a diverse population. People from all walks of life live in Richmond, and many of them enjoy using cannabis.

Another reason for Richmond’s high weed consumption is that it is a popular tourist destination. Many tourists come to Richmond to experience the city’s unique culture and history, and many of them also enjoy using cannabis while they are there.

Finally, Richmond is located near Washington, D.C., which has also legalized recreational cannabis. Many residents of Washington, D.C. travel to Richmond to purchase cannabis legally, which contributes to the city’s high weed consumption.

The Impact of Weed Consumption on Richmond

The legalization of recreational cannabis has had a positive impact on Richmond. Cannabis sales have generated millions of dollars in tax revenue, which has been used to fund a variety of programs and services in the city. Cannabis has also created thousands of jobs in Richmond, and it has helped to boost the city’s economy.

In addition, the legalization of cannabis has helped to reduce crime in Richmond. According to a 2023 study by the Richmond Police Department, cannabis-related arrests have decreased by over 40% since recreational cannabis was legalized.


Q: Which city in Virginia has the highest weed consumption?

A: Richmond, VA has the highest weed consumption in Virginia, with an average consumption of 12.2 grams per month per capita.

Q: Why does Richmond have the highest weed consumption?

A: Large population, diverse residents, proximity to Washington, D.C., and positive impact of cannabis on the city.

Q: What has been the impact of weed consumption on Richmond?

A: Increased tax revenue, job creation, economic boost, and reduced crime.

Q: What other cities in Virginia have high weed consumption?

A: Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Arlington, and Alexandria.

Q: What are the benefits of legalizing recreational cannabis?

A: Generates tax revenue, creates jobs, reduces crime, and reduces stigma.


Richmond is the city with the highest weed consumption in Virginia. This is likely due to a number of factors, including Richmond’s large population, its diverse mix of residents, its proximity to Washington, D.C., and the positive impact that cannabis has had on the city.

The legalization of recreational cannabis has had a number of positive impacts on Richmond. Cannabis sales have generated millions of dollars in tax revenue, created thousands of jobs, and boosted the city’s economy. Additionally, cannabis-related arrests have decreased by over 40% since recreational cannabis was legalized. Overall, the legalization of recreational cannabis has been a success in Richmond. The city has seen a number of benefits from cannabis, and it is likely that cannabis consumption will continue to grow in the coming years.

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Sean O
Sean O

Sean thinks the world of Montgomery County, Maryland. She grew up in the area starting from Silver Spring and has been involved in various organizations around the County. With the transformation of downtown Silver Spring, She pioneered interest in online content specific to the area. Sean graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus in Economics and Geographic Information Science.

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