Ukrainian President Zelenskyy speaks up about the Russian attack, blaming the international community

The situation in Ukraine has become extremely dire, prompting President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to abruptly cancel his scheduled trip to Spain and instead head directly to Kharkiv. This city, Ukraine’s second largest, is once again under significant threat from the advancing Russian forces.

During our exclusive access, ABC News had the opportunity to accompany Zelenskyy on a tour of a hospital in the city. During this visit, Zelenskyy personally met with soldiers who had been injured in the northern defense. To honor their valor and bravery, he presented them with well-deserved medals.

As we strolled through the corridors, he emphasized the significance of his presence, stating, “Being here is truly essential to me.”

In every ward, he made a stop while an officer announced the names of the wounded soldiers. He personally went up to each bed, where he handed them a medal. However, this visit was quite hurried. The safety of the president is always a priority, but this trip to Kharkiv posed a risk, causing his team to swiftly navigate through the building.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy expressed great concern over the situation, emphasizing the gravity of the matter. He highlighted the imperative need to prevent the loss of Kharkiv, stressing the significance of the city.

Standing close to the wounded soldiers, he observed the evident repercussions of the delayed U.S. aid on the ongoing conflict and the state of affairs along the northeastern border. He emphasized the significant loss of lives and injuries sustained by hundreds of individuals in recent days, particularly soldiers from this locality. His presence at this critical juncture was essential to offer his unwavering support to these brave soldiers.

“Is America to blame for what is currently unfolding in Kharkiv?” we inquired from him.

“It’s the world’s fault,” he responded. “They provided the opportunity for Putin to seize control. However, now the world has the ability to assist.”

Zelenskyy is typically cautious when it comes to criticizing the U.S., but this time, he was slightly more candid in his remarks.

We inquired about his impression of the recent visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The top diplomat of the United States declared an extra $2 billion in aid during his visit, supplementing the $60 billion that was promised back in late April. Zelenskyy took a momentary pause, and I could perceive his evident frustration.

“We definitely appreciate dialogue,” he emphasized. “However, at this moment, we require immediate assistance.”

Near the brutal fighting on the front line, there is a feeling that the visit was merely a show of support.

“We just need two Patriot systems,” he asserted confidently. “With those in place, Russia wouldn’t stand a chance of occupying Kharkiv.”

I informed him that a significant concern amongst Americans is the amount of money being allocated to Ukraine. Moreover, in this election year, it is an issue that American voters will likely take note of.

“The funds are not simply handed over to Ukraine,” he emphasized. “They are invested in American factories, which in turn creates job opportunities for Americans… We are not only defending our own freedom, but also supporting countries like Ukraine, or any other nation in need.”

Once the president departed, we circled back to engage with the soldiers he had just met.

Maxim, who narrowly escaped death in Vovchansk on Wednesday, had his leg elevated with three massive metal pins to keep it straight. These brave men are the ones safeguarding Kharkiv. Despite his heroic efforts, Maxim didn’t appear too concerned about the medal he received.

“It’s a great honor,” he said to me. “However, I’d rather give this award to the men who saved my life.”

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