Trial Date Set for Murder Suspect Who Declines Plea Deal – D.C. Witness

Mocobizscene- During a hearing on January 5th, David Howard made the decision to decline a plea deal offered by the prosecutors in front of DC Superior Court Judge Marisa Demeo.

Howard, who is 37 years old, has been accused of committing first-degree murder while armed. The charges stem from his alleged involvement in the stabbing of Ali Zarrincalaki, a 45-year-old individual. The incident took place on March 2, specifically on the 4200 block of Kansas Avenue, NW. It is worth noting that both Howard and Zarrincalaki were facing homelessness and had been camping in close proximity to each other near the Petworth Metro Station.

The prosecution gave Howard the choice to plead guilty to second-degree murder while armed, destruction of property amounting to less than $1,000, and unlawful entry. These changes were made because Howard is accused of setting the victim’s tent on fire.

Howard stated that he turned down the deal, which would have involved the dropping of all major charges.

Judge Demeo asked Howard if he comprehended the fact that declining the agreement might put himself in a vulnerable position, exposing him to the original charges. Howard acknowledged the potential risk involved.

The judge set the trial date for Howard for October 20, 2025.

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