This Place is the Most Haunted in Wisconsin That You Must Visit

Wisconsin, the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” is also known for its abundance of…ghosts? Nestled among the cheese curds and craft breweries lies a treasure trove of spooky locations, each with its own chilling tale. But if you’re looking for the crown jewel of Wisconsin’s paranormal scene, look no further than Summerwind Mansion.

Feature Description
Location Shores of West Bay Lake in Wisconsin
Built Early 1900s
Original purpose Fishing lodge
Current state Haunted mansion
Paranormal activity Disembodied footsteps, doors slamming shut on their own, phantom guests, shadow man, disembodied voices, unexplained cold spots, moving objects
Possible reasons for hauntings Lingering sorrow from logging camp tragedy, portal to another dimension
Visitor experience Overwhelming, spooky, unforgettable
Warning Not for the faint of heart
Tours and overnight stays Available

Summerwind Mansion: Most Haunted Place in Wisconsin

Located in the far north of the state, Summerwind stands on the shores of West Bay Lake. Built in the early 1900s as a fishing lodge, it was later transformed into a palatial mansion by Robert Lamont, who would become U.S. Secretary of Commerce under President Hoover.

From the start, whispers of strange occurrences swirled around Summerwind. Staff reported disembodied footsteps, doors slamming shut on their own, and even the occasional phantom guest. But things took a terrifying turn when, one night, Lamont himself fired two shots at what he believed to be an intruder. Only to find nothing.

Shaken and inexplicably fearful, the Lamonts abandoned Summerwind that very night, leaving behind all their belongings. This abrupt departure, coupled with the escalating paranormal activity, cemented Summerwind’s reputation as a place where the veil between worlds is thin, and the restless spirits hold court.

So, what exactly makes Summerwind so haunted?

It’s a vortex of paranormal energy, a place where whispers of the past mingle with the restless souls of the present, creating an atmosphere that chills even the most seasoned ghost hunter. But what exactly fuels this potent brew of hauntings? Let’s delve into the shadows and unearth the secrets that make Summerwind so uniquely terrifying.

Echoes of Tragedy

 The very foundation of Summerwind is steeped in sorrow. Built upon the site of a logging camp where lives were tragically cut short, the mansion seems to carry the weight of that grief. Whispers on the wind carry the echoes of mournful cries, as if the spirits of the fallen lumberjacks forever wander the halls, unable to find solace.

The Shadow Man

 This enigmatic figure, cloaked in darkness and radiating an unsettling heat from his ember-like eyes, is a recurring visitor to Summerwind’s nightmares. He’s been seen lurking in corners, stalking guests through the shadows, and even driving some to the point of terror-induced paralysis. Is he a guardian, a tormented soul, or something more sinister altogether?

Voices from Beyond

 The silence within Summerwind is often shattered by disembodied voices. Murmurs in unknown tongues, whispers of forgotten names, and even the occasional bloodcurdling scream – these spectral utterances leave no room for doubt: something unseen, something unheard, walks among the living in this mansion.

Icy Touches and Unexplained Chills

 Stepping into Summerwind is like stepping into a different temperature zone. Pockets of bone-chilling cold, seemingly emanating from nowhere, grip at unsuspecting visitors. The feeling of unseen hands brushing against skin, or a sudden icy breath on the neck, sends shivers down spines and fuels the belief that something malevolent lurks within the walls.

Why You Should Visit the Summerwind?

Summerwind is more than just a spooky mansion; it’s a portal to another dimension, where the past bleeds into the present, and the living brush shoulders with the restless dead. It beckons to the brave, the curious, and the thrill-seekers, daring them to unravel its mysteries and confront the shadows that dance within its walls.

But be warned, Summerwind is not for the faint of heart. Its energies can overwhelm even seasoned ghost hunters shaken and speechless. So, if you’re planning a visit, tread carefully, respect the spirits, and be prepared for an experience that will stay with you long after you leave.

Ready to embark on your own paranormal adventure?

Summerwind is open for tours and even overnight stays for those who truly want to immerse themselves in its spooky magic. Just remember, the mansion is as much a guest as you are. So, treat it with respect, and maybe, just maybe, the spirits will welcome you with open…doors?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Summerwind Mansion:

Where is Summerwind Mansion located?

Summerwind Mansion is situated on the shores of West Bay Lake in Wisconsin.

When was Summerwind Mansion built, and what was its original purpose?

It was constructed in the early 1900s as a fishing lodge before being transformed into a palatial mansion by Robert Lamont, who later became U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

What paranormal activities have been reported at Summerwind Mansion?

Witnesses have reported disembodied footsteps, doors slamming shut on their own, phantom guests, a shadow man, disembodied voices, unexplained cold spots, and moving objects.

Why is Summerwind considered the most haunted place in Wisconsin?

The mansion is believed to be a vortex of paranormal energy, possibly due to its foundation on the site of a logging camp tragedy and the mysterious Shadow Man.

Is Summerwind open for tours and overnight stays?

Yes, Summerwind Mansion offers tours and even overnight stays for those brave enough to explore its haunted halls.

What should visitors be prepared for when visiting Summerwind?

Visitors should be prepared for overwhelming and spooky experiences. The mansion is not for the faint of heart, and its energies can be intense. Respect the spirits and approach with caution.


In conclusion, Summerwind stands as a captivating testament to the mysterious and otherworldly. With its rich history and countless reported encounters with the supernatural, it has earned its reputation as the most haunted location in Wisconsin. 

The enduring allure of Summerwind lies in its ability to fascinate and intrigue visitors, drawing them into the enigmatic world of paranormal phenomena. As we continue to explore and uncover the secrets held within its walls, Summerwind remains a beacon for those seeking to understand the unexplained. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, a visit to this infamous site is sure to leave you pondering the unknown long after you depart.

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Sean O
Sean O

Sean thinks the world of Montgomery County, Maryland. She grew up in the area starting from Silver Spring and has been involved in various organizations around the County. With the transformation of downtown Silver Spring, She pioneered interest in online content specific to the area. Sean graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus in Economics and Geographic Information Science.

Articles: 997

One comment

  1. I went to Summer wind three or four times with a friend of mine’s mom and she explained everything but you didn’t get into the John Carver part of it. John Carver’s, the one who owned all the property there and in the UP and in Minnesota you forgot that part where he befriended an Indian chief and the Indian chief let him have all of that property. So if you ever find the original deed you would own most of the UP a big chunk of Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin. But as far as being there, I’ve walked in there unknowing what to expect and we sound found a small cathedral type church in a closet which scared me kind of good and we’ve had other people that we went with were the some of the girls felt like something touched them. But summer wind is beautiful. I heard it was tore down but I haven’t been in a long time. I was there when the whole fireplace was a blue gorgeous blue stone. I don’t know what it was and one of the people that was with us took the stone a piece of stone home and their life just went to hell in a couple of weeks and he ended up bringing the stone back and it all changed. So there’s something there and I don’t get what it is either but it was a treat to go there cuz it was only an hour from where I lived in Mercer Wisconsin where a little bohemia was and things like that. I know all those stories. Have a good day!

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