This Place is the Most Haunted in LouIsiana That You Must Visit

Louisiana, the land of bayou mystique and moss-draped shadows, is no stranger to supernatural tales. But amidst its many haunted plantations and graveyards, one place reigns supreme: the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville. This isn’t your average spooky mansion; it’s a 12-sided architectural marvel perched on the banks of the Mississippi, a testament to Southern charm with a dark secret pulsating beneath its elegant facade.

Myrtles Plantation: A Haunting Tableau

Feature Description
Location St. Francisville, Louisiana
Year Built 1796
Original Owner General David Bradford
Architectural Style 12-sided marvel
Famous Haunting Chloe, a young slave girl
Reported Paranormal Activity Apparitions, disembodied voices, moving objects, malfunctioning electronics
Most Convincing Evidence Photograph of a mist-like figure (1992)
Other Notable Deaths Suicides, sudden illnesses, William Winter’s murder (1871)
Current Status Well-preserved mansion offering day & night tours
Appeal History buffs, paranormal enthusiasts, mystery seekers

History of the Myrtles Plantation

Built in 1796 by General David Bradford, the Myrtles Plantation has a long and tragic history. The mansion has been the site of numerous murders, suicides, and accidents, and it’s said that the spirits of these restless souls still roam the halls.

One of the most famous stories associated with the Myrtles Plantation is the tale of Chloe, a young slave girl who the wife of the plantation owner brutally murdered. Chloe’s spirit is said to be the most active on the property, and guests have reported seeing her apparition, hearing her sobs, and even feeling her touch.

Paranormal Activity at the Myrtles Plantation

Visitors to the Myrtles Plantation have reported a wide range of paranormal experiences. Some have seen apparitions, heard disembodied voices, and felt unexplained chills. Others have reported objects moving on their own, doors opening and closing by themselves, and even electronic devices malfunctioning.

One of the most well-documented pieces of evidence of paranormal activity at the Myrtles Plantation is a photograph taken in 1992. The photo shows a mist-like figure standing on the second-floor balcony. Some have identified the figure as Chloe, and it’s said to be one of the most convincing pieces of evidence of her existence.

A String of Untimely Deaths

Over the centuries, the Myrtles Plantation witnessed a string of untimely deaths. Some were violent, like the brutal murder of Chloe, a young slave girl, by the jealous wife of the plantation owner. Others were shrouded in mystery, like the unexplained suicides and sudden illnesses that claimed the lives of residents and guests alike.

The most infamous incident occurred in 1871. William Winter, the owner at the time, was shot to death on the front porch by his own son-in-law, Sheriff William Harrison. The murder weapon, a shotgun, lies eerily displayed in the mansion’s gift shop to this day.

Restless Spirits and Eerie Encounters

With each tragedy, the Myrtles Plantation’s reputation as a haunted house grew. Visitors began reporting strange occurrences: disembodied voices whispering in the dead of night, objects moving on their own, doors slamming shut, and even apparitions flitting across the shadows.

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence is a photograph taken in 1992. The picture, capturing a mist-like figure standing on the second-floor balcony, has been widely circulated and debated. Many believe it to be the ghost of Chloe, forever bound to the place where she met her demise.

Why You Should Visit the Myrtles Plantation?

If you’re a fan of all things spooky, the Myrtles Plantation is a must-visit. This historic mansion is full of fascinating history and lore, and the paranormal activity that is said to occur there is truly unique.

Even if you do not believe in ghosts, the Myrtles Plantation is still a beautiful and exciting place to visit. The mansion is well-preserved and offers tours both day and night.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Myrtles Plantation:

Is the Myrtles Plantation haunted?

The plantation has a long history of reported paranormal activity, including apparitions, disembodied voices, and moving objects.

Who was Chloe, and why is she famous at the Myrtles Plantation?

Chloe was a young slave girl brutally murdered by the wife of the plantation owner. Her spirit is said to be the most active on the property, with reported sightings, sobs, and touches.

What paranormal experiences have visitors reported at the Myrtles Plantation?

Guests have reported seeing apparitions, hearing disembodied voices, feeling unexplained chills, witnessing moving objects, and experiencing malfunctions in electronic devices.

What is the most convincing evidence of paranormal activity at the Myrtles Plantation?

A photograph taken in 1992 shows a mist-like figure on the second-floor balcony, believed by some to be Chloe. It is considered one of the most convincing pieces of evidence.

Why is the Myrtles Plantation known for untimely deaths?

The plantation witnessed a history of violent and mysterious deaths, including the murder of Chloe, suicides, sudden illnesses, and the infamous 1871 murder of owner William Winter by his son-in-law.


In conclusion, Myrtles Plantation stands as a captivating and eerie testament to the paranormal lore that abounds in Louisiana. With its rich history and numerous reported ghost sightings, it has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the most haunted locations in the state. From the infamous Chloe to the lingering echoes of its dark past, the plantation continues to draw in visitors seeking a brush with the supernatural. Whether a skeptic or a firm believer in the otherworldly, a visit to Myrtles Plantation promises an unforgettable experience steeped in mystery and intrigue.

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Sean O
Sean O

Sean thinks the world of Montgomery County, Maryland. She grew up in the area starting from Silver Spring and has been involved in various organizations around the County. With the transformation of downtown Silver Spring, She pioneered interest in online content specific to the area. Sean graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus in Economics and Geographic Information Science.

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