Teenager dials emergency services after hearing mother’s distressing cries, while locked inside bedroom

A man has been sentenced to prison by a Cobb County judge for stalking his girlfriend.

Michael Lydon Strong, 43, has been convicted of aggravated stalking and disorderly conduct, as announced by the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office.

On September 21, 2020, Strong was subjected to a protection order application by the victim and her 13-year-old son.

According to the D.A.’s office, Strong would frequently experience fits of rage and anger in the months leading up to the filing of the protection order. During these episodes, he would yell and throw objects.

According to his former girlfriend, she expressed her fear of calling 911 due to concerns that it would exacerbate the already precarious situation.

On October 12, 2020, Strong breached the protection order by entering her bedroom while she and her son were fast asleep.

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