Rescuers discover Florida alligator with arrow in head, allegedly used for target practice

Archer, an alligator residing in Florida, sadly passed away recently. The reptile had been saved from being used for target practice, as shared by Chris Gillette, the president of Bellowing Acres, an animal sanctuary, on social media.

On Gillette’s Facebook page, X-ray images reveal the narrow miss of an arrow and bullets that could have hit the alligator’s brain, causing infection and swelling.

According to Gillette, Kim’s machine was unable to read the levels of lead toxicity in the patient, as it was at an extreme level. Gillette stated, “She was also suffering from extreme lead toxicity.”

Archer was being kept at Bellowing Acres, Gillette’s alligator sanctuary, in hopes of a complete recovery.

Gillette wrote that although the outcome was not what they had hoped for, Archer passed away comfortably without any pain or suffering, which they knew was a possibility.

Bellowing Acres and Swamp Girl Adventures Reptile Rehabilitation are currently accepting donations in honor of Archer.

Gillette is urging individuals to report any incidents of shooting at alligators to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. It is essential to remember that if anyone witnesses or has knowledge of such an incident, they should immediately report it to the appropriate authorities.

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