Republicans urge Governor Lujan Grisham to deploy troops to the border

Republican lawmakers are urging New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to take action against the migrant smuggling and fentanyl trafficking crisis in the southern part of the state. They are calling for the deployment of National Guard troops to address these pressing issues.

A group of state lawmakers and sheriffs from the GOP received a call while accompanying the U.S. Border Patrol on a tour. They were exploring a region between Doña Ana and Luna counties, which is known for its high level of organized smuggling activity and encounters with migrants who are not seeking asylum but trying to avoid being captured.

State Representative Rod Montoya, a Republican from San Juan, expressed concern over the lack of National Guard presence along the New Mexico border, pointing out that the other three border states with Mexico have deployed their National Guard to strengthen border security. According to Border Patrol officials, this absence of National Guard forces has led to an increase in illegal immigration, as individuals seeking to enter the country unlawfully are exploiting the vulnerabilities present along the New Mexico border.

The Santa Teresa Border Patrol station stands out as one of the most active in the nation in terms of attempts to smuggle migrants, as per the agency’s records.

Car chases conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety frequently lead to arrests and occasionally result in crashes. These pursuits typically begin when smugglers pick up migrants in the vicinity of Santa Teresa and Sunland Park in New Mexico. According to the Border Patrol, the majority of the 149 migrants who lost their lives in the El Paso Sector perished in the New Mexico desert, as smugglers abandoned them with limited provisions of food and water.

Lawmakers have revealed that border agents have disclosed a disturbing tactic employed by smugglers: using injured or sick migrants as decoys to divert the attention of Border Patrol agents away from larger groups of migrants attempting to avoid authorities. Additionally, smugglers have been known to exploit small, unaccompanied minors who have been separated from their groups as another favored decoy tactic.

Lawmakers are planning to introduce more stringent state penalties for fentanyl traffickers in the forthcoming special session of the legislature.

According to Montoya, other states have successfully addressed the issue of fentanyl transportation. He specifically mentions Gavin Newsom’s California as a state that has taken effective measures. Montoya believes that our governor should take a cue from Newsom and deploy the National Guard along the border.

In September, Governor Newsom made a significant announcement to address the fentanyl crisis in the state. He pledged a substantial investment of $1 billion and took action by deploying 60 California National Guard troops to four U.S. ports of entry. This proactive approach aims to combat the growing threat posed by fentanyl.

Border Report has contacted Gov. Lujan Grisham’s office for comment and is currently waiting for a response. In a previous statement, Lujan Grisham expressed that she understands and shares the concerns of Republican lawmakers regarding border security. She encouraged them to use their influence to convince their federal counterparts in the U.S. House to approve a bipartisan border plan.

State Representative Jenifer Jones, a Republican from Deming, represents a district that encompasses over 100 miles of the U.S. border. According to Jones, transnational criminal organizations are actively targeting communities in Southern New Mexico. She emphasizes the need for law enforcement officers to receive adequate support in combating smugglers who use hidden routes to access Interstates 10 and 25.

According to Jones, transnational gangs closely monitor every inch of the border and are skilled criminals who will take advantage of any vulnerabilities in order to increase their power and wealth. Unfortunately, New Mexico has become the weakest link in border security, and this vulnerability is only increasing due to the lack of action from our governor. The rugged desert in Jones’ district has become a gateway for criminal activity, posing a significant risk to the lives and livelihoods of all New Mexicans.

According to Jones, she acknowledges the significant family and economic connections that exist between residents on both sides of the border. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a secure and safe border, rather than a closed one. Furthermore, Jones emphasizes the need for laws that effectively hold individuals who break the law accountable.

GOP delegation members recognize that the responsibility for passing and enforcing immigration laws lies mainly with the federal government. However, they believe that state lawmakers also have an obligation to tackle public safety crises that impact their communities.

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