Michigan college offers free tuition for low-income students

Siena Heights University has recently made an exciting announcement regarding its “Brain Gain Promise” tuition-free guarantee. The university is expanding this program to include all eligible students in Michigan. This means that more students will have the opportunity to pursue their education at Siena Heights University without the burden of tuition costs. It’s a significant step towards ensuring access to higher education for all Michigan residents.

Starting from now, students residing in Michigan and hailing from households with an annual income below $65,000 can avail themselves of a tuition-free education at SHU. Previously exclusive to students in Lenawee County, this program has now been expanded to benefit a wider range of Michigan residents.

Students from households with a total income of $80,000 or less will only be charged a maximum tuition fee of $10,000 per year.

In his inaugural address last week, the newly appointed university president, Douglas Palmer, announced the news.

“Siena Heights University places great importance on being an active member of the community,” Palmer stated. “We understand that many Michigan families are facing financial difficulties, and we are committed to offering them an affordable and valuable college education.”

The Brain Gain Promise aims to address the issue of “brain drain.”

Siena Heights University aims to address the brain drain phenomenon in Michigan by offering quality and affordable higher education to local students. The university recognizes the exodus of skilled professionals from the state and wants to contribute to reversing this trend. Siena Heights believes that by enhancing Michigan students’ access to higher education, it can foster connections, provide internship and experiential learning opportunities, and facilitate the benefits of a liberal arts education, both within and outside the curriculum.

To be eligible for the tuition discount, students must meet the following requirements: they must maintain full-time enrollment for both the fall and winter semesters, and they must have already received federal and state financial aid. Once these conditions are met, the tuition discount will cover all remaining tuition costs.

Starting this fall, the tuition-free guarantee will be implemented.

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