Liz Cheney Raises Concerns about the Supreme Court

Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney has issued a strong warning to the Supreme Court on Monday regarding former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity.

The former president has been attempting to invoke the defense of presidential immunity in order to protect himself from numerous criminal and civil legal battles. One of the most significant cases where Trump, the expected 2024 GOP presidential candidate, has relied on this defense is the federal election interference case related to the events leading up to the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. This case was initiated by special counsel Jack Smith from the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The former president is facing charges of four federal felonies, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights. He maintains his innocence and argues that the indictment is driven by political motives.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court justices will listen to oral arguments to decide whether or not Trump is protected by presidential immunity from facing criminal charges for his actions during his time in office.

In an opinion column published on Monday in The New York Times titled “The Supreme Court Should Rule Swiftly on Trump’s Immunity Claim,” Cheney expresses her concerns about Trump’s claim of presidential immunity. She urges the Supreme Court to make a prompt decision on the matter, emphasizing that any delay in resolving the case could prevent the public from hearing crucial and significant evidence relating to Trump’s alleged interference in the election.

According to Cheney, it is crucial for the justices to acknowledge the potential harm that could arise if the court fails to promptly and definitively address these matters. She argues that if there is a delay in the trial of the Trump case, the public may never have the opportunity to hear important and significant evidence that was presented before the grand jury. Additionally, she expresses concern that our justice system may fail to hold accountable the individual who bears the greatest responsibility for the events that took place on January 6th.

I have emailed Trump’s spokesperson at Newsweek’s request for comment.

Cheney, who has emerged as one of the leading Republican critics of Trump, played a pivotal role in the committee tasked with investigating the riot. In December 2022, the committee released a comprehensive 845-page report, which squarely held Trump accountable for the events of the riot and urged for criminal charges to be brought against him.

In her opinion piece, Cheney emphasized her position on the committee as she persistently cautioned against Trump’s attempts to postpone his trial.

Cheney expressed concerns about the potential consequences if the trial is postponed beyond the upcoming autumn and if Trump secures another term in office. She predicted that in such a scenario, Trump would likely dismiss the special counsel, instruct the Justice Department to dismiss all cases related to the January 6th incident, and take measures to prevent crucial grand jury testimony from being revealed. Drawing from her own experience, Cheney highlighted the significant amount of time and effort that had to be invested in legal battles against Trump’s claims of privilege in order to obtain access to White House records.

“The reality is clear, and it is imperative for the Supreme Court to acknowledge this and promptly reach the conclusion that no immunity can be granted in this case,” she emphasized.

Cheney weighed in on the matter following Trump’s recent remarks on Truth Social, his own social media platform. Trump has been primarily emphasizing his claim of presidential immunity, frequently directing his criticism towards President Joe Biden.

He expressed his concerns in a strong manner, writing in all-caps, “If they take away my presidential immunity, they take away Crooked Joe Biden’s presidential immunity.”

In another post written in all capital letters, the ex-president emphasized the importance of presidential immunity, stating that it is crucial for a president to fulfill their duties effectively and protect the United States of America from any potential threats.

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