Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Vermont? Here’s What the Law Says

The subject of cousin marriage often sparks debate – a mix of curiosity, social taboos, and concerns about potential genetic risks. While marrying a cousin might seem unusual in some cultures, it has a long history across the globe. Understanding the laws surrounding cousin marriage in specific areas like Vermont is important, particularly if you’re considering such a union.

Vermont’s Stance on First-Cousin Marriage

Vermont is one of several US states where marrying your first cousin is entirely legal. There are no restrictions or specific requirements for first cousins to wed in the state. This means first cousins in Vermont have the right to:

  • Obtain a marriage license in any Vermont city or town (e.g., Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland).
  • Have their marriage officially recognized by the state of Vermont.
  • Enjoy the same legal rights and benefits as any other married couple in Vermont.

Historical and Cultural Context of Cousin Marriage

  • Global Prevalence: Throughout history, cousin marriages have occurred with varying frequency across different cultures. In some societies, they were encouraged to keep wealth and power within families or to strengthen alliances.
  • Changing Views in the US: In the past, cousin marriages were more common in the United States. However, during the 19th and early 20th centuries, laws began to restrict such unions due to concerns about genetic risks.
  • Current Legal Landscape: Today, the legality of cousin marriage varies from state to state across the US. Some states permit it, while others have varying degrees of restrictions.

Potential Genetic Considerations

  • Increased Risk: Children born to closely related parents have a slightly increased risk of birth defects and genetic disorders due to the higher likelihood they inherit the same recessive genes from both parents.
  • Assessing the Risk: The actual risk level depends on multiple factors, including the degree of relatedness (first cousins have a smaller risk than siblings) and the family’s genetic history.
  • Importance of Counseling: Couples considering cousin marriage are often encouraged to seek genetic counseling. This helps them better understand the potential risks and make informed decisions about family planning.

Arguments For and Against Cousin Marriage

Arguments for Cousin Marriage:

  • Personal Freedom: Advocates argue that adults should have the freedom to marry the person they love, regardless of familial ties.
  • Cultural Tradition: In some cultures, cousin marriage is a long-standing tradition with positive social significance.
  • Familial Bond: Couples who are already cousins may have a strong existing bond and shared family values.

Arguments Against Cousin Marriage:

  • Genetic Concerns: The main concern is the potential for an increased risk of genetic disorders in offspring.
  • Social Stigma: In some societies, cousin marriage carries a social stigma, which can create challenges for couples and their families.
  • Moral Objections: Some individuals object to cousin marriage on moral or religious grounds.

Vermont Resources for Couples Considering Cousin Marriage

  • Vermont Department of Health: The Vermont Department of Health ( provides information on birth defects and genetic risks.
  • Genetic Counselors: Genetic counselors in Vermont can help couples assess their individual risks and provide guidance on family planning options. A list of genetic counselors can be found through the National Society of Genetic Counselors (
  • Legal Counsel: It may be advisable for couples to consult with an attorney specializing in family law to fully understand the legal implications and rights associated with cousin marriage in Vermont.

Social Considerations

  • Varying Perspectives: It’s important to acknowledge that opinions on cousin marriage vary widely. While some individuals are accepting, others may hold strong objections for personal, religious, or cultural reasons.
  • Handling Potential Judgment: Couples considering cousin marriage should be prepared for potential judgment or social pressure. Having open and honest conversations with family and friends can help navigate these challenges.
  • Finding Support: It can be helpful to connect with other couples who have chosen cousin marriage or with communities where it might be more accepted.

Decision-Making for Couples

  • Weighing the Factors: Carefully consider all aspects, including potential genetic risks, personal values, family dynamics, and the social environment.
  • Open Communication: Honest and open communication between partners is crucial. Discuss your individual feelings, concerns, and expectations about marriage.
  • Seeking Professional Guidance: Consulting with a genetic counselor, a therapist, or a legal advisor can provide valuable insights and support during the decision-making process.


The legality of cousin marriage in Vermont reflects a stance of personal freedom and individual choice. While such unions might be less common in modern Western societies, they remain a reality for some couples. Whether considering cousin marriage or simply curious about the topic, it’s essential to approach the subject with understanding, respect, and a focus on informed decision-making.

Here are some considerations for potential further exploration in a longer version of the article:

  • Specific case studies: Interviewing couples in Vermont who have married their cousins could provide firsthand perspectives.
  • Vermont’s Demographic Data: Investigating the prevalence of cousin marriages in Vermont and any available related statistics.
  • Legal History: Inquiring into the historical evolution of Vermont’s laws regarding cousin marriage.


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