House committee controlled by GOP issues subpoena for President Joe Biden’s ghostwriter

On March 22, House Judiciary Committee Chair, Jim Jordan, revealed that his committee has issued a subpoena to Mark Zwonitzer, the ghostwriter for President Joe Biden. The subpoena aims to obtain audio recordings and transcripts of Zwonitzer’s discussions with Biden.

According to the report from Special Counsel Robert K. Hur, Jordan claims that Biden disclosed classified information to Zwonitzer while working on his memoirs.

Hur made the decision not to press any criminal charges against Biden or Zwonitzer regarding the documents.

The GOP is making another attempt to impeach Biden, but this time without providing any concrete evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors that would warrant impeachment.

In a letter addressed to Zwonitzer, Jordan stated that according to the special counsel’s report, Biden was found to have possessed classified documents after his tenure as vice president. The report also highlighted that during numerous interviews with his ghostwriter, Biden read directly from his notebooks, using almost identical wording.

According to Hur’s report, Jordan informed Zwonitzer in the letter that Biden had read classified notes from national security meetings nearly word for word on at least three occasions.

According to the report from the Special Counsel, it was stated that Biden had knowingly kept and shared classified materials even after his tenure as vice president. However, Biden willingly handed over the documents when it was revealed that he had them in his possession.

According to Hur’s report, the ghostwriter attempted to hide the recordings, but Hur’s team managed to obtain them during their investigation.

During the House Republican impeachment hearings, there has been a lack of concrete evidence to support the claim that Biden has committed any impeachable acts.

During the impeachment hearing on Wednesday, Lev Parnas, a former aide to Rudy Giuliani who has been convicted, strongly criticized Republicans for actively promoting false allegations about President Biden, which he believes is in line with Russia’s interests.

An FBI informant, whose testimony was relied upon by Republicans, has been arrested on federal charges for allegedly lying about the business dealings of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

According to prosecutors from the Justice Department, Alexander Smirnov has confessed to the involvement of individuals linked to Russian intelligence in spreading a fake narrative about the Bidens.

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