GOP’s financial prospects suffer due to Kristi Noem’s involvement in animal cruelty

The Colorado GOP fundraiser scheduled for May 4th, where Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., was set to speak, had to be canceled. The cancellation was a result of threats that arose following her acknowledgment of being responsible for the death of her 14-month-old dog, Cricket.

According to a statement shared on social media by Nancy Pallozzi, Chair of the Jefferson County Republican Party, the group initially believed that the timing for the fundraiser was ideal, given the upcoming release of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s book, “No Going Back.” However, attitudes towards Noem have shifted as more reports of her mistreatment of animals have garnered attention in the media.

According to Pallozzi, there have been multiple threats and death threats targeting the county organization, the Denver West Marriott where the fundraiser was taking place, and Governor Noem herself.

Pallozzi wrote that after having a conversation with the Governor’s office late Wednesday, both parties reached a mutual decision to prioritize safety above all else.

Despite the alarming comments received by the Marriott, expressing deep concern over the safety and security of the attendees, other guests, and their staff, Pallozi confirmed that the local GOP is not taking a position on the public outcry regarding the governor’s book.

However, Pallozzi mentioned that the fundraiser had a negative impact, stating, “We ended up losing money instead of raising funds. It was supposed to be a successful fundraising event, but unfortunately, we ended up losing thousands of dollars.”

Noem’s book, which includes her account of killing a “mean” and “smelly” goat, has undoubtedly had consequences for her political ambitions.

After news broke that she had shot her wirehaired pointer, a dog she admitted to “hating” due to its lack of progress in hunting training, her hopes of becoming Trump’s running mate were greatly diminished. Even he appears to be giving her a disapproving look because of this incident.

During her speech at a Trump donor retreat held at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday, Noem appeared unapologetic about her actions and focused more on using the incident as an opportunity to demonstrate her political prowess to her peers.

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“They are currently launching relentless attacks against me,” she expressed. “However, I see this as a positive thing. It strengthens me and allows me to understand the challenges I face. It also exposes their deceitful tactics, their ability to distort facts, and their inclination to manipulate situations. In the face of these challenges, we must remain resilient and embrace a warrior spirit.”

Noem appears to have intensified her pursuit of hunting animals, and she suggests in her book that she would not hesitate to harm Biden’s dog if she deems it necessary.

During an interview with CBS, the interviewer acknowledges the following statement: “At the conclusion of the book, you express your intention to ensure that Biden’s dog would not be present on the premises if you were in the White House. You even mention the phrase, ‘Commander say hello to Cricket.’ Is this an attempt to project a tough image?”

When questioned about her chances of becoming vice president, Noem, who now portrays herself as an animal control expert, confidently stated, “First and foremost, it’s important to note that Joe Biden’s dog has reportedly attacked 24 Secret Service personnel.” Staying true to her characteristic style, she concluded by praising both herself and the prosperous state of South Dakota, stating that they are “content and thriving.”

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