Employee Arrested for Package Theft in Virginia, Charges Dropped but Job Lost

Mocobizscene-  James Humphrey, a former shipping manager for GBRS Group, expressed his experience of enduring significant emotional distress and financial strain through a GoFundMe campaign on February 12th.

A GBRS Group employee informed the officers that they witnessed Humphrey leaving the tactical training and brand consulting company with the box in hand, as captured by the security camera footage. However, when Humphrey returned, the box was no longer in his possession.

In the video, the employee mentioned that the box contained a BCM lower, which is a component of an AR-15 rifle.

It is an unfortunate incident that took place in Virginia when an employee was arrested for stealing a package. The shocking part is that the package resurfaced while he was in custody, leading to the dropping of charges against him. However, despite the charges being dropped, he still faced the consequences of losing his job.

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