Climatologist in Tennessee anticipates the likelihood of above-average summer weather

As we head into the summer months, warmer weather is on the horizon and this year, it looks like we’ll be experiencing even hotter temperatures. Johnson City, Tenn. is no exception to this trend.

As Tennessee’s official climatologist, Professor Andrew Joyner from East Tennessee State University dedicates his time to studying long-term weather patterns.

Joyner explained that their responsibility is to maintain a record or have the ability to access historical climate data and use that information to contextualize current weather and climate situations.

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Joyner and the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) unveiled their seasonal report on Tuesday, indicating the likelihood of above-average temperatures for this summer.

Joyner from CPC has predicted that Tennessee is more likely to experience higher temperatures than usual during the summer season. However, the chances of extreme or excessively high temperatures are not as high as those in the northeast or southwest regions of the United States.

Joyner advises that the key to managing high temperatures is to pay attention to your own body.

Joyner advises individuals to remain mindful of their body’s signals during days of elevated heat and humidity.

Joyner and the CPC have also predicted a higher probability of increased rainfall in East Tennessee, in addition to anticipating intense heat.

According to Joyner, these findings are merely predictions and could very well change as the summer progresses.

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