Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Utah!

Utah is known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities like Salt Lake City and Park City, and a strong sense of community. However, crime can happen anywhere, and vigilance is key to maintaining a safe and secure environment. This blog post focuses on helping you identify suspicious activities and items around your Utah home, empowering you to take action and potentially prevent a crime. All the information in the article below is based on the report by WNCT.

Why Be Aware? Crime Statistics in Utah

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, in 2022, Utah had a property crime rate of 23.64 per 1,000 residents. This means that there were over 23 property crimes reported for every 1,000 people living in the state. While this is lower than the national average of 25.21, it highlights the importance of proactive measures to deter crime.

Suspicious Activities: When to Call the Police

Here are some red flags that might indicate criminal activity:

  • People Tampering with Doors or Windows: This is a clear sign of someone trying to gain entry into your home. If you see someone jiggling doorknobs, peeking through windows, or attempting to tamper with your locks, especially during off-peak hours (when most people are at work or school), call 911 immediately.
  • Unfamiliar People Loitering: If someone you don’t recognize lingers near your property, particularly in secluded areas or around entry points, be cautious. Note their appearance, clothing, and any distinguishing features. If their presence makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your gut and call the police. Report their suspicious behavior, including a description of their appearance and any activity you observed.
  • Forced Entry Attempts: If you discover signs of forced entry upon returning home, such as broken windows, damaged doors, or pry marks, do not enter. This could indicate a break-in in progress. Call the police from a safe location, like a neighbor’s house or using your cellphone outside, and wait for them to arrive. Entering a crime scene can destroy valuable evidence.
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Examples from Utah Cities:

  • In Salt Lake City, in 2023, there were several reported incidents of residential burglaries where culprits targeted homes during the daytime when residents were believed to be at work. One instance involved a group of individuals tampering with back doors while pretending to be lost and asking for directions.
  • In Ogden, a string of car thefts from driveways at night prompted police to advise residents to park their vehicles in well-lit areas and to remove valuables from plain sight.

Suspicious Items: Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Pay attention to unfamiliar objects around your property. Here are some examples:

  • Unattended Packages or Bags: Utah has experienced package thefts, particularly around the holidays. If you see an unfamiliar package or bag left near your doorstep, especially if you weren’t expecting a delivery, don’t touch it. Report it to the police immediately. They can investigate the item and ensure it doesn’t pose a threat.
  • Vehicles Parked in Unusual Spots for Extended Periods: An unfamiliar car parked in your driveway or lingering on a quiet side street for an extended period could be a sign of someone casing the neighborhood for potential targets. Note the vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number, and report it to the police if it arouses suspicion.
  • Markings on Your Home: Some criminals use markings on houses to communicate with each other. These markings can be anything from symbols scratched near doorways to colored dots placed on mailboxes. If you notice any unfamiliar markings on your home, don’t erase them yourself. Call the police and let them investigate.
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The Importance of Neighborhood Watch Programs

Getting to know your neighbors is a great way to keep your community safe. Neighborhood watch programs encourage residents to look out for each other and report suspicious activity. By working together, communities can create a strong sense of security and deter crime.

Tips for Staying Safe:

  • Trust Your Gut: If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t hesitate to call the police if you see or experience anything suspicious.
  • Install a Security System: Consider installing a home security system with visible cameras and alarms. These can deter criminals and provide valuable evidence in case of a break-in.
  • Keep Your Doors and Windows Locked: This seems like common sense, but it’s worth mentioning. Even when you’re at home, lock your doors and windows, especially on the ground floor.
  • Trim Bushes and Trees Around Entry Points: Overgrown landscaping can provide criminals with hiding spots. Keep bushes and trees trimmed away from doors and windows to improve visibility and deter criminals.

Educate Yourself and Your Family

  • Talk to Your Family: Discuss home security with your family members, especially children. Explain the importance of not opening the door to strangers and being aware of their surroundings.
  • Stay Informed: Sign up for crime alerts in your neighborhood. Many police departments offer email or text message alerts to keep residents informed about recent criminal activity.
  • Report All Crimes: Even if you think a crime is minor, report it to the police. This helps them track crime trends and allocate resources effectively.

Working with the Police

  • Provide Clear Descriptions: If you have to report suspicious activity, provide the police with a clear and detailed description of what you observed. Include descriptions of people, vehicles, and any other relevant details.
  • Write Down Everything: While the incident is fresh in your mind, jot down everything you remember about the suspicious activity. This will help you provide accurate information to the police.
  • Install Security Cameras: Footage from security cameras can be invaluable for police investigations. Consider installing cameras at entry points of your home to capture potential criminal activity.
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Beyond Your Home: Protecting Your Community

While securing your home is important, community safety goes beyond your own property. Here’s how you can be a proactive citizen:

  • Get Involved in Neighborhood Watch: Join or start a neighborhood watch program in your area. These programs create a network of watchful residents who can deter crime through increased awareness and reporting.
  • Look Out for Vulnerable Neighbors: Keep an eye on elderly or disabled neighbors who may be more susceptible to crime. Offer to help them with errands or check in on them regularly.
  • Report Streetlights Outages: Poorly lit streets create opportunities for criminals. If you notice a streetlight outage, report it to the appropriate authorities to ensure proper illumination in your neighborhood.

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By following these tips and working together, we can create a safer and more secure environment for everyone in Utah.

Additional Resources:

Empowering Yourself and Your Community

By being aware of your surroundings, reporting suspicious activity, and taking proactive steps to secure your home and neighborhood, you can significantly contribute to a safer Utah. Remember, even small actions can make a big difference. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and work together to create a community where everyone feels safe and secure.

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