Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in New Mexico!

New Mexico, known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, unfortunately faces a growing challenge in maintaining safety and security. Residents must stay vigilant to protect their homes and communities. This article aims to raise awareness about specific threats and provide guidance on when to call the police if you see suspicious activities or items outside your house in New Mexico. All the information in this article is based on the report by

Overview of Crime in New Mexico

New Mexico has consistently ranked high in various crime statistics, particularly in property crime and violent crime rates. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, the state reported a violent crime rate of 856 incidents per 100,000 residents in 2022, significantly higher than the national average of 398 per 100,000. Property crimes, including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, are also prevalent, with a rate of 3,420 incidents per 100,000 residents compared to the national average of 2,110 per 100,000.

Specific Cities to Watch

While crime can occur anywhere, certain cities in New Mexico have higher crime rates and require extra caution. These include:

  1. Albuquerque
  2. Farmington
  3. Roswell
  4. Las Cruces
  5. Gallup

Identifying Suspicious Objects and Activities

It’s crucial to understand what constitutes suspicious objects and activities that warrant calling the police. These include:

  1. Abandoned Vehicles: Vehicles left unattended for extended periods, especially if they are parked in unusual locations or appear tampered with.
  2. Suspicious Packages: Unattended bags, boxes, or packages left in public or private spaces can pose a significant threat.
  3. Strange Markings: Unusual markings on your property or neighboring properties can indicate potential targeting by criminals.
  4. Unknown Individuals: Strangers loitering around residential areas, especially if they are acting suspiciously or peering into homes or vehicles.
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Detailed Analysis of Threats

1. Abandoned Vehicles

Albuquerque: The largest city in New Mexico, Albuquerque has a high rate of vehicle theft. Abandoned vehicles might indicate stolen property or be used in criminal activities. In 2022, Albuquerque reported over 7,000 motor vehicle thefts, making it one of the cities with the highest rates in the nation.

What to Do: If you notice an abandoned vehicle, especially if it’s in a suspicious location or has signs of tampering (e.g., broken windows), report it to the police immediately. Provide the make, model, color, and license plate number if possible.

2. Suspicious Packages

Farmington: Known for its beautiful landscapes and as a hub for outdoor activities, Farmington has also seen its share of crime. Suspicious packages in public places or residential areas can indicate a potential bomb threat or contain illicit substances.

What to Do: If you encounter an unattended package, do not touch or move it. Clear the area and call the police. Provide a detailed description of the package and its location.

3. Strange Markings

Roswell: Famous for its UFO lore, Roswell also faces challenges with property crimes. Strange markings on homes or mailboxes can be signs of criminal groups marking potential targets.

What to Do: If you find unusual markings on your property, document them with photos and report them to the police. Be vigilant for other signs of targeting, such as increased foot traffic near your home.

4. Unknown Individuals

Las Cruces: This city is known for its cultural heritage and vibrant community. However, like any city, it has areas with higher crime rates. Unknown individuals loitering in residential areas, particularly if they appear to be casing homes, can be a significant threat.

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What to Do: If you see someone suspicious in your neighborhood, especially if they are peering into windows or trying to access properties, call the police. Provide a detailed description of the individual and their behavior.

Protecting Your Home and Community

Preventive measures are essential to enhance the safety of your home and community. Here are some tips:

  1. Install Security Systems: Security cameras, alarm systems, and motion-sensor lights can deter criminals and provide valuable evidence if a crime occurs.
  2. Join Neighborhood Watch Programs: Being part of a community watch program helps keep everyone informed about local crime trends and fosters cooperation with local law enforcement.
  3. Maintain Property Visibility: Keep your property well-lit and ensure that shrubs and trees are trimmed to eliminate hiding spots for potential intruders.
  4. Report Suspicious Activities: Always err on the side of caution. If you see something suspicious, report it to the police. It’s better to be safe and have a false alarm than to ignore a potential threat.

The Role of Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies in New Mexico are dedicated to maintaining public safety and addressing crime effectively. They rely on community cooperation and encourage residents to report suspicious activities. Here are some ways the police work to protect your community:

  1. Community Policing: Building strong relationships between law enforcement and community members to foster trust and cooperation.
  2. Public Awareness Campaigns: Educating the public about common threats and how to report them.
  3. Rapid Response: Ensuring quick and efficient responses to reports of suspicious activities or objects.


Staying vigilant and informed is crucial for the safety and security of New Mexico’s residents. Understanding what to look for and when to call the police can prevent crimes and protect your home and community. By working together and maintaining open communication with law enforcement, we can create a safer environment for everyone.

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Remember, if you see an abandoned vehicle, a suspicious package, strange markings, or unknown individuals acting suspiciously, do not hesitate to contact the police. Your vigilance can make a significant difference in preventing crime and keeping your community safe.


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