Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Nevada!

Nevada, known for its vibrant cities, vast deserts, and stunning landscapes, also has its fair share of unusual and potentially dangerous encounters. While the state’s bustling urban centers like Las Vegas and Reno are famous for their entertainment and nightlife, there are some lesser-known threats that residents and visitors alike should be aware of. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various dangers that might be lurking outside your house in Nevada, why you should be concerned, and when it is crucial to call the police. All the information in this article is based on

Unusual Wildlife Encounters


Nevada’s diverse landscape is home to a variety of wildlife, including the venomous rattlesnake. These reptiles are often found in rural and suburban areas, particularly during the warmer months.

Statistics and Habitats

Rattlesnakes are commonly found in the southern parts of Nevada, including areas around Las Vegas and Henderson. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife, there are several species of rattlesnakes in the state, with the most common being the Mojave rattlesnake and the Western diamondback rattlesnake.

What to Do If You Encounter One

If you encounter a rattlesnake:

  • Keep a safe distance and do not attempt to handle it.
  • Alert others in the vicinity to the presence of the snake.
  • Contact local animal control or wildlife authorities to handle the situation.
  • If bitten, seek medical attention immediately as rattlesnake venom can be life-threatening.

Mountain Lions

Mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, are another potential threat in Nevada, particularly in areas close to mountainous regions and forests.

Incidents and Safety Measures

While mountain lion attacks on humans are rare, they do occur. In 2017, there were several sightings of mountain lions near residential areas in Reno, sparking concerns among residents.

Safety measures include:

  • Avoiding hiking or jogging alone in areas known for mountain lion activity.
  • Keeping pets and small children close and under supervision.
  • Making noise to avoid surprising a mountain lion.
  • If confronted, do not run. Instead, make yourself appear larger and slowly back away.
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Coyotes are increasingly common in urban and suburban areas of Nevada, including Las Vegas and Henderson. These adaptable animals can pose a threat to pets and, in rare cases, small children.

Urban Encounters and Safety Tips

Coyotes are often attracted to food sources, such as garbage, pet food, and small animals. To minimize the risk of an encounter:

  • Secure garbage bins and remove outdoor pet food.
  • Keep pets indoors, especially at night.
  • Do not approach or feed coyotes.
  • If you encounter a coyote, make loud noises and wave your arms to scare it away.

Suspicious Human Activity

Trespassing and Burglary

Crime rates, including trespassing and burglary, vary across Nevada. Urban areas tend to have higher rates of these crimes, particularly in Las Vegas.

Crime Rates in Major Cities

According to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the city has seen a rise in property crimes, including burglary. In 2023, there were over 15,000 reported cases of burglary in Las Vegas alone.

Signs of Suspicious Behavior

Signs that someone might be casing your home for a potential burglary include:

  • Unfamiliar individuals loitering in the neighborhood.
  • Vehicles parked in unusual locations or for extended periods.
  • People taking photographs or making detailed notes about your property.

Drug-Related Activity

Nevada, like many states, faces challenges with drug-related activity. This can range from the presence of illegal drug paraphernalia to active drug sales or usage.

Common Signs and What to Do

Signs of drug-related activity include:

  • Frequent, short visits by different individuals at odd hours.
  • Strange odors or smoke coming from a residence.
  • Discarded needles or drug paraphernalia in the vicinity.

If you suspect drug-related activity:

  • Do not confront individuals involved.
  • Document suspicious behavior, noting times and descriptions.
  • Contact local law enforcement to report your concerns.

Homeless Encampments

Homelessness is a significant issue in Nevada, particularly in urban areas like Las Vegas. While many homeless individuals pose no threat, encampments can sometimes lead to safety and sanitation concerns.

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Safety Concerns and How to Handle Them

If you encounter a homeless encampment near your home:

  • Avoid direct confrontation and maintain a respectful distance.
  • Contact local social services or non-profit organizations that can provide assistance.
  • Report any immediate safety concerns to local law enforcement.

Unusual Objects and Suspicious Packages

Identifying Potential Threats

In recent years, there has been an increase in incidents involving suspicious packages and objects, prompting heightened awareness and caution.

Common Signs of Suspicious Packages

Indicators of a suspicious package include:

  • Unusual or excessive postage.
  • No return address or a strange return address.
  • Odd odors, stains, or leaks from the package.
  • Wires or foil visible through the packaging.

Recent Incidents and Statistics

In 2022, Las Vegas saw multiple incidents involving suspicious packages, leading to evacuations and investigations. While many turned out to be harmless, the threat remains real.

Procedures to Follow

If you encounter a suspicious object or package:

  • Do not touch or move the item.
  • Evacuate the immediate area and prevent others from approaching.
  • Contact local law enforcement or emergency services immediately.
  • Provide as much detail as possible about the object and its location.

Importance of Reporting to Authorities

Prompt reporting can prevent potential harm and allow authorities to respond quickly and effectively. Never assume a suspicious package is harmless; it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Natural Dangers

Flooding and Flash Floods

Nevada’s desert landscape is prone to sudden and severe flash floods, particularly in areas with poor drainage.

Areas Prone to Flooding

Regions like Clark County, including Las Vegas, frequently experience flash floods during heavy rains. In 2023, several flash flood warnings were issued, resulting in significant property damage.

Safety Tips and Emergency Procedures

To stay safe during a flash flood:

  • Avoid low-lying areas and seek higher ground.
  • Do not attempt to drive through flooded roadways.
  • Follow local news and weather alerts for updates.
  • Have an emergency kit ready with essentials like water, food, and medications.
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Dust Storms

Dust storms, or haboobs, are a common occurrence in Nevada, particularly in the southern parts of the state. These storms can severely impact visibility and respiratory health.

Impact on Health and Visibility

Dust storms can cause:

  • Reduced visibility, leading to dangerous driving conditions.
  • Respiratory issues, particularly for individuals with pre-existing conditions.
  • Potential damage to property and vehicles.

Precautions to Take

During a dust storm:

  • Stay indoors and keep windows and doors closed.
  • Use air filters or masks to protect your respiratory health.
  • If driving, pull over and wait for the storm to pass if visibility becomes too poor.

Case Studies

Real-Life Incidents in Nevada

Rattlesnake Encounter in Henderson

In 2022, a family in Henderson discovered a rattlesnake in their backyard. The quick thinking of the homeowner, who contacted animal control, ensured the snake was safely removed without incident.

Suspicious Package in Las Vegas

In 2023, a suspicious package left near a popular Las Vegas hotel prompted an evacuation and bomb squad investigation. Fortunately, the package was deemed harmless, but the incident highlighted the importance of vigilance and prompt reporting.

Flash Flood in Clark County

A sudden flash flood in 2021 caused extensive damage in Clark County, with several homes and vehicles affected. The event underscored the need for residents to be prepared for such natural disasters.

Lessons Learned and Preventive Measures

These incidents demonstrate the importance of:

  • Being aware of your surroundings and potential threats.
  • Taking immediate action to report suspicious activity or objects.
  • Preparing for natural disasters with emergency plans and kits.


Nevada’s unique landscape and urban centers present a variety of potential dangers, from wildlife encounters to suspicious human activity and natural disasters. By staying informed and vigilant, residents can better protect themselves and their communities. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always better to call the police and report anything unusual or suspicious. Your safety and the safety of others depend on prompt and proactive action.

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