Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Montana!

Montana, known for its stunning landscapes, vast wilderness, and tranquil lifestyle, isn’t a place where you’d expect crime to be a significant concern. However, like any state, Montana has its share of criminal activities and suspicious behavior. It’s essential to be vigilant and know when to call the police if you encounter something unusual. This article will delve into the types of suspicious activities that residents of Montana should be aware of, highlight specific cities with higher crime rates, provide stats and facts, and offer tips on how to stay safe.

Montana, often referred to as “Big Sky Country,” is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, from the majestic Rocky Mountains to the expansive plains. The state offers a serene and peaceful lifestyle, attracting both residents and tourists alike. However, it’s crucial to remember that even in a state as picturesque as Montana, crime and suspicious activities can occur. Being vigilant and knowing when to call the police can help keep your community safe. All the information in this article is based on the report by KTLA News.

Understanding Suspicious Activities

Suspicious activities are behaviors or events that are out of the ordinary and may indicate potential criminal activity. While not all suspicious behavior is criminal, it’s essential to trust your instincts and report anything that seems unusual.

Common Signs to Watch for:

  • Unfamiliar Vehicles: Vehicles parked in your neighborhood for extended periods, especially if they have out-of-state plates or no plates at all.
  • Strangers Loitering: Individuals who loiter around homes, businesses, or public spaces without a clear purpose.
  • Unusual Noises: Sounds such as breaking glass, banging, or shouting, especially at odd hours.
  • Signs of Drug Activity: Frequent visitors at a property, especially at unusual hours, strong chemical odors, or an accumulation of trash.
  • Vandalism: Graffiti, broken windows, or damaged property can indicate a potential increase in criminal activity.

Cities in Montana with Higher Crime Rates

While Montana is generally considered a safe state, certain cities have higher crime rates than others. Understanding the specific challenges faced by these cities can help residents remain vigilant and proactive.


Billings, the largest city in Montana, has the highest crime rate in the state. In 2022, Billings reported a crime rate of 4,243 per 100,000 residents, significantly higher than the national average. Property crimes, such as burglary and vehicle theft, are particularly prevalent.

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Missoula, home to the University of Montana, has a crime rate of 3,876 per 100,000 residents. The city has seen an increase in drug-related crimes and burglaries in recent years.

Great Falls

Great Falls, with a crime rate of 3,568 per 100,000 residents, has experienced issues with both property and violent crimes. The city has implemented various community policing initiatives to combat these challenges.


Bozeman, known for its rapid growth and booming economy, has a crime rate of 2,745 per 100,000 residents. While it has a lower crime rate than Billings and Missoula, the city’s growth has brought new challenges, including an increase in theft and drug-related crimes.


Helena, the state capital, has a crime rate of 2,658 per 100,000 residents. The city has seen a rise in property crimes and drug-related offenses, prompting local law enforcement to increase their patrols and community outreach efforts.

Statistical Overview of Crime in Montana

Understanding the broader crime trends in Montana can provide context for the specific challenges faced by its cities. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, Montana’s overall crime rate in 2022 was 3,298 per 100,000 residents. This includes both property crimes and violent crimes.

Types of Crimes Prevalent in Montana

  • Property Crimes: The most common type of crime in Montana, with burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft being the most frequently reported offenses.
  • Violent Crimes: While less common than property crimes, violent crimes such as aggravated assault, robbery, and homicide do occur. In 2022, the violent crime rate was 378 per 100,000 residents.
  • Drug-Related Crimes: The state has seen an increase in drug-related offenses, particularly those involving methamphetamine and opioids. This rise in drug activity has also been linked to an increase in property crimes.

Specific Suspicious Activities to Watch for in Montana

Knowing what to look for can help residents identify and report suspicious activities before they escalate into more significant problems.

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Unfamiliar Vehicles Parked for Extended Periods

Vehicles that are parked in the same spot for several days or that move frequently but remain within the same area can be a sign of criminal activity. This could indicate someone casing houses for burglary or drug activity.

Strangers Loitering or Acting Suspiciously

Individuals who loiter around homes or businesses without a clear purpose, especially if they seem to be watching or taking notes, can be a cause for concern. They may be gathering information for a potential crime.

Unusual Noises or Disturbances

Sounds such as breaking glass, loud bangs, or shouting, particularly at night, should not be ignored. These noises can indicate a burglary, domestic disturbance, or other criminal activity.

Signs of Potential Drug Activity

Frequent short-term visitors to a property, strong chemical odors, or an accumulation of trash can all be signs of drug manufacturing or dealing. Drug activity often leads to other crimes, including theft and violence.

Vandalism and Property Damage

Graffiti, broken windows, and other forms of vandalism can indicate a rise in criminal activity in an area. Reporting these incidents can help law enforcement address the problem before it escalates.

Real-Life Examples and Case Studies

Examples of Suspicious Activities Leading to Arrests

  • In Billings, a resident reported a suspicious vehicle parked outside their home for several days. The police investigation revealed the vehicle was stolen, and the occupants were arrested for multiple burglaries in the area.
  • In Missoula, neighbors noticed an unusual amount of foot traffic at a nearby house and reported it to the police. The subsequent investigation uncovered a drug operation, leading to several arrests.

Community Stories and Experiences

  • A Bozeman neighborhood organized a community watch program after a series of vehicle break-ins. The increased vigilance and reporting led to a significant decrease in property crimes in the area.
  • In Helena, a group of residents formed a neighborhood association focused on improving communication and reporting suspicious activities. Their efforts have helped reduce crime and improve the overall sense of safety in the community.

What to Do if You Encounter Suspicious Activity

If you observe suspicious activity, it’s important to take the following steps:

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Steps to Take

  1. Stay Safe: Do not confront the individual or put yourself in danger.
  2. Document: Take note of the details, including descriptions of people, vehicles, and activities.
  3. Report: Contact your local police department or emergency services. Provide as much detail as possible.

How to Report to the Police

When reporting to the police, be clear and concise. Provide the following information:

  • Location of the activity
  • Description of the individuals involved
  • Description of any vehicles (make, model, color, license plate)
  • Nature of the suspicious activity
  • Any other relevant details

Importance of Community Involvement

A strong community is a safe community. Encourage your neighbors to be vigilant and report suspicious activities. Participate in neighborhood watch programs and community meetings to stay informed and involved.

Safety Tips for Montana Residents

Personal Safety Tips

  • Stay Aware: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar areas.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, trust your instincts and take appropriate action.
  • Avoid Risky Situations: Avoid walking alone at night and stay in well-lit, populated areas.

Home Security Measures

  • Lock Doors and Windows: Ensure all doors and windows are locked, even when you are home.
  • Install Security Systems: Invest in a home security system with cameras and alarms.
  • Use Outdoor Lighting: Install motion-sensor lights around your property to deter potential intruders.

Community Initiatives and Resources

  • Neighborhood Watch: Join or start a neighborhood watch program to improve community safety.
  • Community Meetings: Attend local community meetings to stay informed about crime trends and safety tips.
  • Police Outreach: Participate in police outreach programs and build a relationship with local law enforcement.


While Montana is a beautiful and generally safe place to live, it’s important to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings. By understanding what constitutes suspicious activity and knowing when to call the police, you can help keep your community safe. Remember to trust your instincts, report any unusual behavior, and take proactive steps to enhance your personal and home security. Together, we can ensure that Montana remains a safe and welcoming place for all.

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