Biden emerges victorious in the Democratic primary of Northern Mariana Islands

President Biden emerged victorious in the Democratic primary held in the Northern Mariana Islands, as projected by Decision Desk HQ.

After a strong showing on Super Tuesday, the current frontrunner is steadily gaining ground towards securing the Democratic nomination. With a near-sweep of the states that held nominating contests, he is now poised for a rematch with former President Trump, who is also on track to secure the GOP nomination.

Both candidates are anticipated to secure enough delegates to clinch their party nominations by Tuesday night.

According to a tracker from Decision Desk HQ/The Hill, the Democratic race in the Northern Mariana Islands has six delegates at stake.

In addition to his victories in several states last week, Joe Biden experienced a setback in American Samoa, where an entrepreneur named Jason Palmer emerged as the winner of the Democratic race. Despite this, Biden’s campaign remains strong, and his focus now shifts to the Northern Mariana Islands, where Palmer had hoped to secure another surprising victory but ultimately fell short on Tuesday.

During the 2020 presidential race, Senator Bernie Sanders emerged victorious over Biden in the Northern Mariana Islands.

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