Authorities report 75 deaths and 103 missing in Brazil flooding

Severe flooding in Brazil has caused devastation, resulting in the tragic loss of 75 lives, with 103 individuals still unaccounted for. In a desperate bid for survival, numerous families have taken refuge on their rooftops, desperately awaiting rescue, as authorities work tirelessly to provide assistance.

Officials have reported that the dire situation persists as heavy rain continues to pour down on Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state.

The officials have stated that the Guaíba River, located in the capital city of Porto Alegre, has reached a record high level of 17.4 feet. This has created an unprecedented crisis for the city’s 1.4 million residents.

According to ABC News, the governor’s office of Rio Grande do Sul has reported that the flooding has resulted in 75 fatalities so far. In addition, there are currently 103 people missing and a large number of houses are experiencing water and power outages. Specifically, 839,000 houses in the area are without water, while 421,000 houses are without power.

According to the governor’s office, the ongoing flooding has affected a total of 707,000 individuals, with over 105,000 people being evacuated. Tragically, at least 20,000 people have lost their homes as a result.

This flood is considered the most severe in the area in more than 80 years, surpassing the devastating 1941 deluge that wreaked havoc on the region.

The region is currently experiencing an alarming environmental crisis as heavy rainfall started last week and is expected to persist until Tuesday. This situation is a cause for concern among officials.

Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, returned to Rio Grande do Sul for the second time. His visit aimed to support the victims and observe the extensive devastation in the area.

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