Alabama schedules execution date for man convicted of murdering couple in robbery

Montgomery, Alabama – In a recent development, it has been revealed that

Alabama has scheduled an execution date of May 30th for a man who was convicted of robbing and killing a couple in 2004.

Mills’ attorneys have requested the Alabama Supreme Court to reject the request for an execution date, as they are currently investigating a claim of prosecutorial misconduct in the case.

According to Mills’ attorneys, they stated in a petition to a Marion County judge in March that the prosecutors had failed to disclose a plea deal they had with Mills’ wife, which resulted in her being spared from a potential death sentence. It is worth noting that she was the primary prosecution witness against Mills during his trial. However, the attorney general’s office has contested the existence of any pretrial agreement.

Alabama, the state that made history by conducting the first-ever execution using nitrogen gas earlier this year, has announced its intention to carry out the lethal injection for Mills’ execution.

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