A father’s shopping trip with his daughter’s bullying victim to impart a valuable lesson

Did you know that bullying is a pervasive issue that affects many students? Shockingly, statistics from DoSomething.org reveal that one in five students between the ages of 12-18 in the United States experience bullying during the school year. Moreover, around 160,000 teenagers skip school due to bullying, emphasizing the detrimental impact it has on their education and overall well-being.

When Randy Smalls, a resident of South Carolina, found out that his teenage daughter was mocking a classmate for her clothing and makeup, he did not hesitate to take immediate action.

Upon hearing about Ryan Reese, a seventh-grader at Berkeley Middle School, who was being bullied, Smalls felt an immediate sense of empathy. This was due to his own experiences with bullying in his youth. Without hesitation, he decided to use money that was originally meant for his daughter to take Ryan on a shopping spree. During their outing, they were able to purchase new clothes and even received a complete makeover.

Recently, Smalls’ wife and Ryan’s mother, Richauna Reese, discovered that Ryan was being bullied. Despite being friends, they were completely unaware of the situation. After Ryan spoke out, the families got on a call and Smalls offered to take Ryan to purchase new clothes and get a makeover at a beauty salon.

After discovering that his 13-year-old daughter was involved in bullying, Smalls decided to use the money he had set aside for her new clothes to do something kind for Ryan instead.

According to Smalls, laughing along with a bully is equivalent to supporting their behavior. As per the statement given to Yahoo News, he emphasized the negative impact of such behavior on the victim.

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He said that his daughter was quite upset, particularly because she is fond of fashion. However, she joined them and assisted in selecting Ryan’s new clothing.

During church hours, Smalls accompanied Ryan to the salon and generously paid for his bi-monthly appointments until the end of the year.

Upon learning of the kind act, nearby salons have stepped forward to offer their services and ensure that Ryan maintains a stylish appearance in the coming months.

According to Richauna, Ryan’s mother, her daughter was going through a tough time due to the recent passing of her father, grandfather, and aunt. Along with that, she was also dealing with stress-induced non-epileptic seizures. Richauna shared this information with Yahoo News.

Ryan expressed how much the shopping trip had helped him, revealing that he didn’t expect it to have such a positive impact. He became emotional, saying that the bullying had hit him hard as he had already been struggling with depression due to the loss of his grandpa, father, and aunt.

Richauna commented that she had never witnessed a parent take such a strong stance against bullying before.

According to Smalls, the response he received was beyond his expectations and he was pleasantly surprised. He mentioned that this incident has been a great learning experience for his daughter and has helped her realize her mistake.

Smalls expressed her surprise at the unexpected attention her story received, but she was happy to know that other parents could benefit from it. “My daughter has learned her lesson,” she added.

During an interview with ABC’s Strahan, Sara, and Keke, Smalls emphasized the importance of holding parents responsible for their children’s actions. “We, as parents, need to take ownership of our children’s behavior,” Smalls stated. “While we can teach them right from wrong, we have to acknowledge that they may veer off track when in the company of other children. As parents, it’s our responsibility to take action and be a parent, not just a friend.”

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Richauna mentioned that the two individuals now have a better rapport with each other after the experience. She stated, “They’re cool now.”

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