Abbott advocates for border security and supports Trump’s return to the White House.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott made a passionate plea on Wednesday night, calling on Americans to take steps to secure the border. He believes that the best way to achieve this goal is to bring back former President Donald Trump as the leader of the country. Abbott believes that Trump’s policies were effective in controlling illegal immigration and that his leadership is essential to addressing the current crisis at the border.

Abbott, the governor of the largest border state, emphasized the need for a president who can effectively secure the border of America, stating that Donald J. Trump is the answer to this crucial need.

According to his statement, the President’s greatest responsibility is to safeguard our nation, which President Trump fulfilled. During his tenure, we witnessed the least number of illegal border crossings in almost forty years.

“On the other hand, Joe Biden neglected his responsibility to the people. As soon as he took office, he eliminated President Trump’s policies, resulting in a disastrous outcome.”

According to a report by The Center Square, over 12 million illegal border crossers have entered the United States during Biden’s presidency. Among them, two million individuals have managed to evade capture, commonly referred to as “gotaways”.

Since Biden took office, the total number of individuals who have been apprehended for illegal entry into the U.S. exceeds the population of 44 states and 155 countries.

According to a report by The Center Square, over 205,000 individuals entered the United States illegally last month, contributing to a total of 2.4 million apprehensions in fiscal year 2024 through June. The northern border has seen a record number of apprehensions as well.

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According to Abbott, dangerous criminals, including rapists, murderers, and even terrorists, have been allowed into the United States under Biden’s administration. This has resulted in deadly consequences, including the tragic case of Jocelyn, a 12-year-old girl from Houston who was raped and murdered by two Venezuelans who were released into the country through a parole program established by Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

According to a report by The Center Square, the parole programs initiated by Mayorkas have been associated with cases of violent crimes committed against Americans by criminals who were released into the country.

A heart-wrenching incident was shared by a Maryland resident on Tuesday night. Michael Morin painfully narrated the rape and murder of his sister, Rachel, by a Salvadoran who had entered the United States illegally. He expressed his opinion that this tragedy could have been prevented. The perpetrator had already committed a murder in El Salvador before unlawfully entering the United States. Michael blamed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for opening the borders to people like him, enabling them to harm innocent people. He further expressed his disappointment in the fact that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has apologized or taken responsibility for the incident.

“My family received a call from President Trump expressing his condolences when Rachel was tragically killed. His gesture of compassion and willingness to meet with us demonstrated true leadership qualities. It is this kind of leadership that we need in our White House today.”

Abbott criticized Biden for hindering Texas and other Republican states in defending their borders. He further mentioned that Texas has filed more than 75 lawsuits against the Biden administration, with numerous cases related to border security.

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In 2021, Texas Governor Abbott took the initiative to deploy Texas National Guard troops to the border and launched Operation Lone Star, which he claims to be a mission for border security that the president neglected. To finance this operation, the Texas legislature has granted almost $12 billion, surpassing several state fiscal year budgets and even exceeding the amount allocated by the Trump administration for federal border security efforts in Texas, as reported by The Center Square.

Between March 2021 and June of this year, the OLS officers have caught and detained around 515,000 individuals who illegally crossed the border, and they have also made over 44,600 criminal arrests. Shockingly, there have been more than 38,900 reported felony charges. In their efforts, they have confiscated more than 504 million deadly doses of fentanyl, which is sufficient to take the lives of all the residents of both the United States and Mexico combined.

Following Texas’ construction of hundreds of miles of razor wire to prevent illegal crossings, the president ordered its removal and sued the state to halt further construction. In retaliation, Governor Abbott directed the National Guard to construct three times the amount of razor wire barriers. These actions have led to pending federal lawsuits regarding the razor wire barriers and other border issues.

According to Abbott, the president’s decision to commandeer 50 acres of Texas border property for the unlawful processing of up to 5,000 illegal foreign nationals per day, with the intention of releasing them into the United States, was met with a swift response. The Texas National Guard was instructed to “take back our land and wire it shut,” resulting in a reduction of illegal border crossings to an average of just one per day.

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According to Abbott, when President Harris and the “border czar” declined to visit Texas and witness the border crisis they were responsible for, he decided to bring the border to them. To achieve this, he transported illegal border crossers to Washington, D.C. and other sanctuary cities across the country. Abbott affirmed that he intends to keep the buses rolling until the border is safe and secure.

As per the latest data from the governor’s office, Texas has already transported approximately 120,000 illegal foreign nationals to six different cities via bus.

Governor Abbott expressed his optimism by stating, “I see a glimmer of hope on the horizon.” He believes that on November 5, the American people will fire Joe Biden and re-elect Donald Trump as the president of the United States of America. Abbott is confident that under Trump’s leadership, order will be restored at the border and “our streets will be rid of crime and chaos.”

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