What Makes Beanie Baby Peace Bear Valued at $2500?

Chances are, you’ve heard about how some Beanie Babies have become highly coveted collectibles. In fact, they can be just as valuable as Waterford Crystal and antique glass door knobs from the late 1800s and early 1900s.

As a collector or a seasoned flea market and garage sale shopper, you are aware that certain items can bring in significant profits in a short amount of time. With a keen eye and knowledge of what to look for, you can often snag a great deal on valuable items that others may overlook. It’s not uncommon for people to unintentionally let go of items that hold significant monetary value.

Reselling Beanie Babies can be a lucrative endeavor, especially if you have rare examples in your possession. While many Beanie Babies can fetch a decent price, some are worth far more than you might expect. One such example is Peace the Bear, which is highly sought after by collectors.


In 1996, Peace the Bear was born as a tie-dyed stuffed bear with a peace symbol embroidered on his chest. However, it wasn’t until May 11th, 1997, that he was made available for purchase. Despite his short lifespan, he quickly became a beloved collector’s item before being retired on July 14th, 1999.

If you happen to have some Beanie Babies stored away in a closet or attic, it’s worth taking a moment to check if you have Peace the Bear. This particular Beanie Baby has been known to sell for as much as $5,000 on eBay, so it’s definitely worth checking if you have one lying around.

The reason behind the significant price range of $2,500 to $5,000 for certain instances of this Beanie Baby lies in its unparalleled attributes. This particular Beanie Baby is distinctive in various aspects, primarily because it is the only one that was tye-dyed. As a result, each Beanie Baby is one of a kind, and no two are identical. This inherent uniqueness makes each Beanie Baby valuable in its own way, particularly when coupled with a few other factors.

Depending on the tag that was placed on this Beanie Baby during its production, its value can range from $2,000 to over twice that amount. The condition of the Beanie Baby is also a significant factor in determining its worth. If it is in excellent condition without any indications of wear and tear, its value can be even higher.

Earlier Examples of Peace the Bear

There is a wealth of information available online if you’re interested in learning more about how tags can impact the value of a specific item. It’s important to note that earlier versions of Peace the Bear featured 4th generation tags, while the more recent examples were outfitted with 5th generation tags.

Understanding the significance of the tag’s generation is not as important as identifying any errors that may be present on it. In the case of Peace the Bear, it would be best to obtain an earlier version as many errors were rectified in later production runs.

It’s worth noting that not every Beanie Baby out there is a valuable collectible. In fact, most of the Beanie Babies that were made over the years don’t hold much value at all. This is a common misconception that many people fall for.

Many people assume that their entire collection of Beanie Babies is worth a significant amount of money. However, when they discover that this is not the case, they often make the mistake of discarding their entire collection or selling it at a garage sale for a meager sum.

This is the perfect opportunity to make the most of your luck. If you come across a well-preserved item like Peace the Bear, you can purchase it for as little as fifty cents or a dollar.

Selling your item can put a decent amount of cash in your pocket, typically ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. However, the key to maximizing your profits is understanding the factors that affect the value of your item and knowing what to look for. By keeping these things in mind, you can ensure that you get the most out of your sale.

Final Thoughts

Don’t lose hope if your Peace the Bear toy is in less than perfect condition. Even if it’s not in the best shape, there’s still a chance for you to profit from it.

If an item has even a small indication of wear, it can still hold significant value. In fact, some items can sell for up to $2,000, as long as all the tags are still intact and it’s a highly desirable piece.

If the bear has lost all of its tags and is clearly worn out, it is unlikely that you will be able to sell it for a four-figure sum. However, with the right collector, you may still be able to make some money from it.

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