$400K Social Security: Advocates Rally in LA, Urging Congress to Reverse Planned Cuts and Pass Social Security 2100 Act

As the political season kicks into high gear, advocates and defenders of the Social Security System rallied outside an SSA office in Downtown L.A. Monday, calling for Congress to reverse plans to cut its staffing.

Advocates and defenders of the Social Security System assembled outside a Social Security Administration office in Downtown Los Angeles on Monday, urging Congress to overturn its decision to reduce staffing for the program. The rally, attended by organizations including the California Alliance for Retired Americans and the American Federation of Government Employees, aimed to emphasize the importance of funding Social Security and to oppose proposed cuts, as reported by Audacy.

Rallying Outside the SSA Office

Pete Demetriou of KNX News reported that the California Alliance for Retired Americans was among the groups protesting on 8th Street. Representative Jim Gallagher emphasized that a $500 million reduction in administrative funding would severely impact the delivery of Social Security benefits, affecting both seniors and children who receive survivor’s benefits.

Gallagher’s Message to Congress

“We’re here today to send the message to Congress that you need to fix it. You need to continue to fund it. We reject the proposed hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts that they are trying to work. Social Security lifts more Americans above poverty than any other organization.”

Impact of Past Cuts

Also at the rally was Jeff Cruz with the American Federation of Government Employees, who pointed to the 8th Street office as an example of what past cuts have done to Social Security.

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“So this office right behind me in L.A. five years ago had 44 workers in the office representing this area. Today, they’re down to 33 workers.”

Unacceptable Delays in Service

He says that the decrease in staffing has translated to unacceptable delays in service, with calls averaging a 45-minute wait.

“If something happens to my wife and me,” Cruz said, “I want to make sure the guardian taking care of my kids gets the help they need—they shouldn’t have to wait 45 minutes to get a phone call.”

Call for Legislative Action

The groups also called for the House GOP leadership to end obstruction on consideration of the Social Security 2100 Act, a bill aimed not only at reforms but elevating contribution levels from people earning $400K a year or more. This move would keep Social Security funded through the rest of the century.

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