Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Colombia with the Highest Crime Rates

If you’re a traveller, you’re likely aware of Colombia’s diverse culture, lively music scene, and mouth-watering cuisine.

The perspective of residents living in Colombia’s crime-ridden cities is distinct when it comes to living in one of the most violent nations in the world.

10 Colombian Cities That Rank as the Most Dangerous

Colombia has a number of cities that have a high rate of violent crime and property crimes. To help you be aware of these areas, we have compiled a list of the top 10 most dangerous cities in Colombia. This list is based on official reports from Colombian officials, local police departments, and data provided by the United Nations. By being informed about these cities, you can take necessary precautions and stay safe while travelling or living in Colombia.

#1. Southwestern Colombia

A significant portion of the violence, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and property crime that plagues this Colombian city can be traced back to the prevalence of organized crime groups and gang members who reside and conduct their illegal activities within the vicinity.

Cali’s enforcement officials are faced with the daunting task of trying to police an area that is rife with a vast network of criminals and corrupt politicians. It is no secret that the region poses a significant challenge to law enforcement authorities, who often find themselves outmatched by the sophisticated criminal elements that operate within its borders. Despite their best efforts, it is an uphill battle to maintain any semblance of order in this complex and challenging environment.

The most recent estimation of the population stands at 2.86 million individuals.

#2. Bogota 

Located on a lofty plateau with stunning views of the Andes mountains lies Bogota, Colombia.

Nestled within a serene landscape, this charming city boasts a plethora of natural wonders, cultural treasures, and lively entertainment. However, the presence of drug traffickers in the area poses a serious threat to the safety of both locals and tourists alike. It is important to remain vigilant when exploring this beautiful destination.

Bogota, much like other towns in Colombia with high rates of crime, faces numerous challenges, such as a large population, widespread corruption, low morale, and a police force that is struggling to maintain order.

According to the latest population estimate, the largest city now boasts a population of 7.41 million people.

#3.  Medellin

Medellin, Colombia was under the command of the infamous drug lord and trafficker Pablo Escobar in the past.

During the 1980s and 90s, the Medellin Cartel, led by notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, inflicted a great deal of violence in this region.

During the cartel era, the occurrences of physical violence, murder, kidnappings, and bombings were a common sight. Even today, remnants of the past violence can still be observed in certain areas of the city.

The most recent estimation of the population is around 2.5 million individuals.

#4. Norte de Santander’s Cucuta

Many people living in certain areas of the Cucate are constantly worried about their safety due to the high crime rates. This fear is so great that some residents are hesitant to leave their homes for fear of being victimized.

Given the close proximity of the Venezuelan border, it provides an easy opportunity for criminals, gangs, and members of organized crime to engage in criminal activities between the two nations.

Living in this area can be quite unnerving for residents due to the prevalence of criminal activity. The location of the region often leads to concerns over jurisdiction, resulting in many criminals going unpunished and free to engage in a range of illegal activities, from petty theft and robbery to drug trafficking and violent assaults. This persistent criminal behaviour can cause anxiety and unease among those living in the area.

The city of Cucata is plagued with high crime rates, prompting local officials to take drastic measures. In an effort to deter criminal activity, the number of law enforcement officials, including police officers and border patrol agents, has been increased.

As per the most recent population estimate, there are approximately 703,000 individuals residing in the area.

#5. Tumaco

Although Tumaco boasts of beautiful scenery and a flourishing local economy, it has unfortunately gained notoriety for having one of the highest murder rates in the entire country.

In Tumaco, the murder rate is alarmingly high, with 154 murders per 100,000 residents.

With a population of just over 200,000, the city boasts a relatively small community.

Tumaco, known for its high murder rate in Colombia, is also infamous for the prevalence of kidnappings in the area.

According to the most recent population estimate, the current population stands at 221,469.

#6 Pereria and Risaralda 

Pereria, a city located in central-west Colombia, has made it onto the list of the most perilous cities due to alarming rates of property crime, violent crimes, and drug trafficking.

According to the 2021 Pereira Como Vamos report, the city’s crime statistics are as follows.

In Pereria, the homicide rate is recorded to be approximately 22.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.

According to the latest population estimate, there are 469,269 individuals residing in the area.

#7. Buenaventura

Located in Colombia, Buenaventura is notorious for being one of the most perilous places in the country. The city is plagued by a staggering number of homicides, violent crimes, property crimes, and corruption, making it a dangerous place to live or visit.

According to the 2021 Buenaventura Como Vamos report, the given data was presented.

According to statistics, the violent crime rate per 100,000 residents stands at 258.38.

According to statistics, the property crime rate per 100,000 residents stands at 206.84.

According to the latest statistics, the corruption rate per 100,000 residents stands at 82.50.

The most recent estimation of the population stands at 475,000.

#8 Manizales

Nestled in the heart of Colombia, Manizales boasts a stunning cityscape that is set against the striking backdrop of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano. With its breathtaking views and natural beauty, this charming city is a true gem of the region.

Even though there seems to be a decrease in the crime rate in Manizales, the occurrence of violent crimes such as assault and murder still persist. These incidents are often instigated by the significant presence of local gangs, cartels, and organized crime syndicates in the area.

The most recent population estimate stands at 455,000.

#9 Valledupar – Cesar (Northeastern Colombia)

According to city officials and local reports, Valledupar has garnered a reputation for being unsafe due to its significantly high homicide rate, which is nearly double the national average.

In 2021, Valledupar’s murder rate was documented at 45 per 100,000.

At the time, the national average of Colombia stood at 25.6 per 100,000.

Tourists often fall prey to petty thefts and scams in the area, which happen quite frequently.

Travelers and tourists are being advised to remain alert and take precautions to avoid falling prey to theft or local scams, as per official warnings. It is essential to stay vigilant and safeguard oneself while travelling to an unknown destination.

It is essential for US travellers to familiarize themselves with local fraudulent practices, including the notorious “taxi scam” and the deceptive “jewellery scam.” These scams are prevalent in many tourist destinations and can result in significant financial losses if not detected and avoided. Therefore, it is crucial to stay informed and alert while travelling to prevent falling victim to these scams.

What Does Taxi Scam Mean?

The taxi scam is a notorious scheme where taxi drivers collaborate with either individuals or organized crime members to deceive passengers. They take unsuspecting customers to far-off places that are not on their intended route and then rob them or demand a higher fare to take them to a secure destination. This fraudulent activity is a serious concern for travellers who rely on taxis for transportation in unfamiliar areas.

What Exactly is the Jewelry Scam?

Scammers have devised a cunning plan to trick innocent people into buying fake jewellery. They typically approach their potential victims with an offer to purchase high-quality jewellery at a surprisingly low price. However, the jewellery that scammers offer is nothing but a cheap counterfeit. It is crucial to remain vigilant and avoid falling prey to such scams.

Regrettably, in the majority of instances, the jewellery is counterfeit and has no value.

According to the advice of local tour guides, it is always best to shop at trustworthy establishments that offer genuine products, reliable services, and positive feedback. It is highly recommended to avoid purchasing jewellery or any other merchandise from street vendors.

As of the most recent population estimate, there are 532,956 individuals residing in the area.

#10 Villavicencio

Parts of Villavencio are deemed unsafe due to high rates of violent crimes, drug trafficking, and related offenses.

According to local reports, Villavencencio is ranked high on the list with a homicide rate that is twice as high as the national average.

According to statistics, the homicide rate in Villavencio remains consistently high at approximately 58 per 100,000 residents.

It’s not just the locals who pose a threat in this area. Tourists are often targeted by thieves for petty thefts and robberies, making it unsafe to stroll around alone after dark. It’s important to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

According to recent reports, the current population estimate has surpassed 500,000 individuals.

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