The Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Mexico (Updated 2023)

It’s common knowledge that Mexico shares a southern border with the United States.

To the west of the location is the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, while to the south lies Guatemala.

As of now, there are approximately 129,830,000 people residing in the country.

Mexico often receives negative criticism as a country.

As someone who has visited the place, I can confirm that the reality doesn’t quite match up to the hype for many of us.

Mexico is home to many breathtaking destinations, including the luxurious resort areas of Cancun and Playa Grande, as well as the fascinating historical landmarks like the Tulon Ruins and the ancient Aztec Templo Mayor.

Mexico, similar to any other nation, has its share of negative aspects.

The presence of drug cartels and organized crime, which also encompasses human trafficking, has contributed significantly to the current situation.

According to recent statistics, the year 2021 saw a staggering number of homicides, which amounted to over 43,900 cases, along with 625 reported kidnappings in Mexico.

It’s disheartening to learn that a recent Gallup poll has shown that less than half of the Mexican population, specifically 48%, feel secure in their neighbourhoods at night.

As time has gone on, the United States has provided numerous advisories to American travelers heading to various popular vacation spots.

In March 2023, an unfortunate incident took place where four American tourists were abducted, and two of them were later found dead.

If you are planning to go on a vacation to Mexico, it is important to exercise caution and use common sense.

It is advisable to steer clear of the subsequent 10 cities in Mexico which are considered to be the most perilous.

Our rankings have been determined by a combination of murder rate data, government advisories, and the general reports of crime from both locals and tourists.

The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Mexico

10. Obregon, Mexico

Obregon is a city that boasts a population of 436,400 people and is renowned for its scenic mountains and culinary delights.

Although the city boasts of its natural beauty and mouth-watering cuisine, it is unfortunate that the prevalence of crime tends to overshadow these wonderful aspects.

According to statistics, the crime rate is currently at 93 per 100,000, with a significant number of incidents such as muggings, carjackings, robberies, and drug dealing.

According to a recent survey conducted among local residents, a mere 22% of the population felt secure while taking a stroll in broad daylight.

9. Uruapan, Mexico

With a population of more than 356,700 individuals, Uruapan is a bustling and vibrant city.

This charming town, established back in 1533, boasts of stunning architectural wonders and multiple water bodies that add to its allure.

Many individuals come to visit solely to witness the breathtaking cascading waterfalls.

Visitors to this vibrant city should exercise caution and remain vigilant during their stay.

According to statistics, there are 89 instances of crime per 100,000 individuals.

Uruapan is known to have a significant amount of drug use and dealing activities taking place within its boundaries.

Frequent occurrences of such incidents have resulted in muggings, carjackings and armed robberies.

Frequently, drug dealers use various businesses as a cover-up for their illegal activities. This implies that even visiting a seemingly harmless place such as a bar or arcade can pose a threat to one’s safety.

8. Culiacan, Mexico

Over the past three years, the crime rates in Culican have seen a significant increase. Although the area was once considered to have low-level crime, the recent surge in criminal activities has become a cause of concern for the local authorities.

According to statistics, the general rate of criminal activity is 84 per 100,000 individuals.

Cartel wars have also plagued the city.

Following the arrest of Ovidio Guzman, son of the notorious organized crime leader El Chapo, the location became the scene of a violent turf war resulting in several fatalities. The incident is still fresh in the public’s memory.

Culiacan’s homicide rate is alarmingly high at 61 per 100,000 people, which makes it a precarious place to reside or visit.

7. Coatzacoalcos, Mexico

Located at the southern end of the Gulf of Mexico, Coatzacoalcos is a bustling port city of great significance.

With a history dating back to the 16th century, this place is steeped in rich heritage, featuring everything from ancient architectural marvels to valuable cultural artifacts.

Regrettably, the city also has a high crime rate of 92 per 100,000 as reported in the reviews.

While the homicide rate may be comparatively lower than other regions, the rates of assaults, robberies, muggings, and drug-related crimes are alarmingly high in this area.

6. Irapuato, Mexico

Irapuato, a city famous for its bountiful strawberry fields and thriving corn and chickpea crops, is unfortunately notorious for its high crime rate. The safety of both the locals and tourists remains a major concern in this area.

According to the latest statistics, the number of homicides per 100,000 people was 81 last year.

Innocent people often become victims of the violent conflicts between drug cartels, which can escalate quickly and unpredictably. The consequences of this violence can be devastating, affecting entire communities and leaving families shattered. It is a tragic reality that highlights the urgent need for effective measures to combat the drug trade and its associated violence.

In recent times, there have been several unsettling videos circulating on the internet, depicting incidents of mass shootings inside bars and clubs. One such video is from Irapuato, Guanajuato. These incidents are deeply concerning and highlight the need for better safety measures and stricter gun control laws to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

According to the US government, Irapuato is not a safe place for tourists as they are frequently targeted for assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping. Therefore, it is highly recommended to avoid traveling to this place.

5. Cancun

For many years now, Cancun has been known as a prime vacation spot situated on the stunning Caribbean Sea.

There are two distinct areas in the city that you should be aware of – the downtown center and the hotel zone (where the resorts are located).

While Cancun resorts have been widely known for their security measures, a few incidents have occurred recently that have put a dent in the city’s appeal to tourists.

Although the murder rate is comparatively lower in this region, standing at 64 per 100,000 people, the incidence of cartel-related crime has been on the rise.

The number of crimes committed against tourists, ranging from robbery, assaults, to scams, has been increasing. This is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed. To learn more about this issue, you can check out the Mexico Travel Advisory.

In an effort to ensure the safety of tourists, the Mexican government has implemented a series of regulations pertaining to Airbnb, bars, and nightclubs.

Staying within the resort areas is advised for individuals.

4. Juarez, Mexico

Located just south of the Texas border, the city of Juarez has a population of 1.5 million and is situated on The River Grande.

It’s interesting to note that those living in El Paso have a clear view of Juarez just across the river.

Juarez is a city that boasts of a rich history and a vibrant culture. However, it has also gained notoriety as a hub for drug smuggling, gun running, and human trafficking. As per reports, Juarez has been identified as a staging area for these activities.

According to statistics, the city of Juarez has an alarming murder rate of 86 per 100,000 individuals. It is indeed a cause for concern and highlights the urgent need for effective measures to curb the rising crime rate in the area.

If you plan on traveling to Juarez, it is highly advised that you stay with a group at all times. It’s important to avoid venturing into areas that are less populated and not to go out at night. Taking these precautions will help ensure your safety during your time in Juarez.

Pay extra attention to taxis and pickpockets to ensure your safety.

3. Victoria, Mexico

According to statistics, the population of Victoria is estimated to be around 380,000.

As a bustling manufacturing center, the city boasts a diverse range of production capabilities, including the fabrication of automotive components, apparel, and microchips, among other goods.

Citrus fruits, sugarcane, and corn are also grown in the rural outskirts.

Victoria is predominantly comprised of individuals who are dedicated and diligent in their work.

Regrettably, it is yet another city in Mexico that serves as a conduit for drug cartels to transport their merchandise.

The frequent occurrence of shootouts between rival gangs and law enforcement is a common result of this situation.

The murder rate of 86 per 100,000 people is the primary cause for concern in this scenario.

It’s unfortunate that street gangs are prevalent in the city, resulting in incidents of robbery and assaults on innocent individuals.

2. Acapulco, Mexico

For those who belong to a certain generation, Acapulco may bring back memories of the Love Boat, as it was a frequent stop for the iconic ship.

Acapulco, once a popular vacation destination for the wealthy and renowned, has now become infamous for having the second-highest murder rate in all of Mexico.

According to recent statistics, there are 111 homicides for every 100,000 individuals.

The main cause for this is the large number of poppy farms in Guerrero (of which Acapulco is a part).

Currently, 20 drug cartels are competing for control of those farms in order to make heroin.

Turf battles, drug trafficking, assassinations, and kidnappings have become so regular that the US has barred all federal personnel from entering Acapulco.

1. Tijuana, Mexico 

Tijuana is literally on the border of San Diego, California, and many people visit the city for the day.

There are significant disparities between the experiences of most tourists and its 2,050,000 locals.

It was once the Mexican wedding capital, but it is now the country’s murder capital, as well as one of the most deadly cities in the world.

Tijuana had surpassed 2,000 homicides for the year by December 2022.

That works out to 138 per 100,000 individuals.

The city is infested with fentanyl cartels that manufacture, trade, and transport the drug.

Unfortunately, drugs spawn violence and other criminal activity.

Robberies, drive-by shootings, and kidnappings are all common events in Tijuana.

However, the vast majority of day visitors claim to have never had an issue.

If you intend to come, it is critical that you stay inside the well-patrolled zones.

Also, avoid drawing attention to yourself, avoid scams (hotels, cabs, tours, etc.), and, for God’s sake, avoid making trouble for yourself.

This includes attempting to purchase anything that might be prohibited.

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